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A slavery guide for newbies by newbie.

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--- Quote from: aalrad on April 15, 2011, 08:56:14 am ---Only 1. If you take gain charisma or magnetic p. You can have 1 more.

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What you say about mine pictures from TTTLA recruit topic?
It says 3CH+Magnetic = 4CH and it says he can carry 2 slaves.

runboy93, Magnetic Personality gives u 1 extra slot in your companion limit, not additional CH.
Charisma: At least 3. With 10, you'll be able to carry 4 slaves at a time (Remember that the formula to carry followers is (Charisma-1)/2, rounded down). 5 Charisma will make you able to carry two slaves, 7 Charisma : three slaves. With CH 9 and the Magnetic Personality perk, you'll be able to carry 5 slaves at a time.

Damn.. well lvl 9 is easy to make again :)

What level i should be to start the Holy People hunt all alone?


--- Quote from: Alessandro on April 17, 2011, 12:17:49 am ---What level i should be to start the Holy People hunt all alone?

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at least level 6 and equipment of course.


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