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A slavery guide for newbies by newbie.

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Slaver Snipe:
Basically all of that is wrong. You have a 2 slave base no matter what unless you pick a certain trait.  You get 1 more slave per merc you have.  Having 5-7-9 charisma does not matter all that does is add party points.  The only thing you NEED the charisma for is leading the slaves/mercs on the world map. 

Basically if a newbie comes here looking at how to enslave your giving them information based on the previous wipe not the current one and thus it will fuck them over.

So you now only need 1 charisma per slave on the world map?

1 charisma per entity following you.
 Players + Slaves + Mercs = cha.

Party points for mercs/companions only.
Total party points = (10 x Charsima) + (Speech / 3) + Perks/Traits

Mercs cost between 40 and 90 pp.

Number of slaves = numbers of mercs +2

Slaver Snipe:
the bad ghoul merc only costs 35 PP (terrible but if you want max slaves it isn't a bad idea to get them)


--- Quote from: Slaver Snipe on March 28, 2012, 05:32:54 pm ---the bad ghoul merc only costs 35 PP (terrible but if you want max slaves it isn't a bad idea to get them)

--- End quote ---
Get 5 in a line with FAL at the entry to your tent they make for a great welcoming committee


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