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A slavery guide for newbies by newbie.

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Well that idea with having something 2x makes you have one more y.
It should be instead because now when I want to have 3 brahmins it looks that I got swarm of dogs with me and only 3 brahs.
Should be 1/2 not 2/1.
I guess its bug or stupid feature .


--- Quote from: runboy93 on January 06, 2012, 12:25:10 pm ---Best places to get slaves which lvl up, but wipe is today so cordinates will 'most likely' become useless :)

Trappers (50HP, Males and Females)

Bandits (68HP Males and 65HP Females)

Ghouls (53HP)

--- End quote ---

Are there still lvling slaves in this season? And are these the places to find them?

I have a question, i have enslaved people in the waste, but for some reason i can only have 2 slaves :S, and i followed the second guide on getting slaves, i have 9 charisma but cant enslave more then 2, and one thing that happend was that i enslaved people in a fight and then ran away, then i dident see the slaves anymore, and i tried the commando of disbanding the slaves but dont seem to work, i can only have 2 slaves, what can i do?

Slaving changed now you can have 2 slaves no matter your ch. To get more then 2 you need mercenaries, each one gives you 1 more slave slot.
Check this page at the wiki


you can have 2 slaves no matter your ch. To get more then 2 you need mercenaries, each one gives you 1 more slave slot.

You need;

* Some ropes, one per NPC to enslave.
* Some healing stuff (Healing powders, stimpaks or high First Aid skill etc.).
* 1 charisma per entity following you. Players + Slaves + Mercs = cha.
* Slaving perk
* Can be obtained by using ropes on certain unconscious (negative HP) NPCs in encounters.
They can also be purchased at the Slaver's guild. They require drugs from time to time.

* Party points for mercs/companions only.Total party points = (10 x Charsima) + (Speech / 3) + Perks/Traits
* For every 3% in speech a PC has he receives a party point.
* For every 1 in Charisma you gain 10 party points.
So we have 100 points from each.
Magnetic Personality adds 50 points.
Good natured adds 50 points.
Absolute maximum party points are therefor 300.

* CH-1=Total Followers on WM.  But, with 10 CH, you could be at your base or tent and have 8 slow ghoul mercs and 10 slaves following you around.
* the bad ghoul merc only costs 35 PP (terrible but if you want max slaves it isn't a bad idea to get them)
Enter into chat/command box by pressing enter;[size=78%]
Displays current/max 'party points' that are used by new follower system

Other commands;

'Regroup' available in follower menu (Alt+click on hex) which makes followers return to master and 'Flee' which makes them flee to the nearest exit grid and enter worldmap.

Followers will demand certain things from its master to belong loyal, for slaves it's drugs, mercs want their paycheck and companions want food/drinks, failure to nurture them results in lower loyality, meaning they'll flee in combat faster.Slaves use jet. 5-10% increase per jet dose. If slave loyality goes down too low, they may attempt to kill their master.

Slaves cannot use armor given to them.[/size]


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