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A slavery guide for newbies by newbie.
--- Quote from: Desert Mutt on December 14, 2011, 10:48:25 pm ---You should capture 60 HP combat slaves.
69 HP combat slaves do not level up.
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So far I've seen combat slaves with 93-85, 81-74, 69-63 HPs depending on their gender. Where to get with 60HP?
--- Quote from: Desert Mutt on December 06, 2011, 08:11:46 pm ---Slaves that have their HP based on S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats provided in the wiki can level up.
Just checked. I have captured ghoul Scavenger with 57 HP near Vault City, after levelup he got 62 HP.
... Time to get some 53 HP crazies and create crippler squad. :D
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Yeah, I just leveled up an 53HP crazy, he has 58HP right now.
Does anyone know where to get 50hp trappers? As all I can find are 57 and 67 hp.
I guess up from the Klamath I found some encounter with 50 hp ones, but I think leveling slaves is useless, better get some lone wandererrs and equit them with combat knives/rippers - they'll make a little mess, or do guarding job in cave (tried)
Also better get children slaves -they mine more even than black guys in oragne shirts and homesteaders!, Also if you want to find good shooters, get Bandits - they are much better, and mobile
Thanks for advice. My ideal slaves would be miners than can defend themselves/me.
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