Other > Fan Art
Ga**a boy XD
My favourite...
Im just saying - This image did not catch the most important aspects of a stoned person.
Anyways this "Draw a better picture and show it to public. " - WTF?
Does it mean i cannot comment work of others unless i draw the same things better? - Cause that's, on the other hand, what a stoned person Could say.
I love those eyes and how he hold that :D
--- Quote from: TommyTheGun on December 03, 2010, 03:47:43 pm ---Does it mean i cannot comment work of others unless i draw the same things better? - Cause that's, on the other hand, what a stoned person Could say.
--- End quote ---
You just trollin' everyone and everywhere. Idk whether you're doing it consciously or not, but every post I saw from you is always a trolling of one or another kind.
Imagine that guy with a FAL rifle. Heck yeah...
Ganjah Rasta Bursta will shot ya'll Babylon PKs
solid snake:
--- Quote from: Eternauta on December 03, 2010, 06:36:39 pm ---Ganjah Rasta Bursta will shot ya'll Babylon PKs
--- End quote ---
this made my day :)
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