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Do you know Pat brown

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--- Quote from: John Ryder on October 26, 2010, 06:25:50 pm ---Too bad it's based on Fo3.

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--- Quote from: Stalojsky Vladimir on October 26, 2010, 08:37:44 pm ---Hmmm, yes. I hate this... fire sword (WTF is this?). Creatures aren't good too but it's great picture.

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...oww come on! I know Fallout 3 raped true series of fallout and buried something great deep under ground... but it's still somehow connected.

You can't resist marvelousness of this pic!

Mr Feltzer:
Pics Great, Should have Based on FO2

The pic IS awesome, I'm not saying it isn't, but... is that the way you play? Carrying three rifles (sniper, plasma and railway) does not sound so realistic. I usually carry 1 melee weapon (say, combat knife), 1 one-handed firearm (10mm pistol/SMG, SOff shotgun, scoped magnum, dart gun or whatever), 1 rifle or shotgun (assault rifles and combat shotgun are my fav) and some grenades (say 5, usually the basic frag). Sometimes I leave the rifle/shotgun at home and carry a big gun if I know I'm gonna fight against a powerful enemy. Or add a few mines for some strategy but I don't do this kind of thig often.


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