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Author Topic: Dungeons, Instances and many other ideas...  (Read 3790 times)

Dungeons, Instances and many other ideas...
« on: October 25, 2010, 04:41:27 pm »


I was thinking, how the game should change to be more fun than it is now. So I gathered few ideas in this one post. Some of them may be cool, some of them you may find stupid and annoying. Well, that's just few ideas... I hope you will like at least some of them.
Sorry for my english.

Smaller ideas & fixes:

- Faster traveling on world map

- Train should leave every 10 minutes OR you should just talk to NPC and teleport instantly to your destination (so it would be still pretty useful option, after faster traveling on map).

- No cooldown for repairing/dissassembling items.

- Bigger cooldown stack for gathering/crafting (to ~30 minutes)

- More quests (it is essential for any RPG and MMO) – at the beggining it can be simple quests, same like in any MMO „bring quest item A to place B”, „Bring me 5 Xander Roots/jets/booze/whatever”, „Kill 5 bandits”, „Bring 10 bandit scalps” etc.

- Repeatable quests – some cool quest which you can repeat. Nice alternative for mindless farming.

- Hunting grounds – place, where newbies can obtain brahmin pelt more easily (game would be more newbies-friendly)... So making your first tent wouldn't be so almost-impossible for loners.

- Make crafting less time-consuming in compare to farming caravans. Good and High-Quality stuff should be obtainable only by crafting. Also equipment obtained by farming, should have less quality (30% deterioration and can't be repaired? Or something like that).

- Make NPC drop more variable and more random items (lighters, junk, gunpowder, flints, Xander Roots etc.). Ofcourse it should be more random, so farming for materials wouldn't be possible. This option would make NPCs more realistic.

- Upgrade merc system – when you buy merc, you buy him unequipped. The more expensive the merc is, the better his skills are. So that would give you nice option of equipping your mercs with any weapon and armor you want! Ofcourse then mercs should be much cheaper...

- Food & cooking – There should be ability to cook. Some of the recipes can be bought at shops, some can be looted at random encounters and some in dugeons (about dungeons, look down). Such a food would give really small temporary bonuses, like highest healing rate, +10 max hp or so. Something which would not be nessesery.

- Motorbikes – I want motorbikes (cheap option for a car. No trunk, very fast, use small amount of gas, 1-2 person can ride it), leather, sunglasses and sawed-off shotgun! 8D

Bigger ideas:

Dungeons and (Dragons) Instances – There should be implementet whole system of dungeons and instances, where you should enter with whole group of other players. Basically it would work almost the same as in World of Warcraft:
When your group enters dungeon, they are like in their own server – noone from outside the group can be spotted inside dungeon. Once you kill first mob, dungeon reset after 48 hours, and mobs/bosses don't respawn until then. Also then players from group can't change (so you can't reenter with your alts and prevent glitch using).
Inside dungeon, you will need different types of specialities, to advance further (repair generator/hack computer/disarm traps/lockpick the door/heal guard, so he can let you further/big Charisma and speech, so you can persuade guards to let you in).
Each dungeon would have few bosses. Each boss would be quite hard for team and drop random stuff, but better then normal mobs.
There would be few types of dungeons difficulty:
- Easy – you can earn there basic stuff, like leather armors, 10mm ammo, basic weapons (all stuff for newbies and low levels)
- Medium – Some little better stuff +recipes & books.
- Hard – High skills needed to repair generators etc... for veteran groups. You would earn there best stuff. CA's, BA's, LSW's, Plasma Rifles would drop from bossess (but in reasonable numbers)

These dungeons should be quite hard, so no 21 lvl powerbuild would solo them and farm them. You could also add option „At least 2 players to enter dungeon” to prevent farming. So it would be cool...

Locations where could be such a dungeons: Sierra Army Depot, Military Base, Necropolis, The Glow, San Francisco (or any other city) metro station, bottom of Arroyo Canyon, some abbandoned bunkers/bases/silos.

Quest items – Quest items, would be items, which you can see and take (loot) ONLY if you have certain quest. When you die, you loose everything after death BUT quest item stays in your inventory until you give it to quest giver/abandon quest/drop the item. When you decide to drop the quest item it destroys and dissappears (it would prevent some exploiting. Before dropping such an item, there would be warning about that action). Once you take quest item, it's bound to character, so you can't trade/sell it to others.

So for example, you get quest from BoS, to get some special computer parts from The Glow (dungeon?). You enter there with your team. Kill bossess and all of you get one Quest Item for each one of you. After that some PK kills you all. He loot your bodies, take ammo/guns etc, but he doesn't see your Quest items. After you replicate, you look at your inventory and you have no items, only Quest item left. So you go back to BoS to get your reward.

Thanks for reading. Leave a (polite) comment what do you think of these ideas.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2010, 04:55:09 pm by Kirkor »
 Guitar Hero: Fallout
Re: Dungeons, Instances and many other ideas...
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2010, 06:37:57 pm »

- Faster traveling on world map

Nope. Cars and bikes and trains would be useless. I suggest making of temporarry safe parking place instead. Like tent for some low resources. (one junk) lasting only few hours or even less.

- Train should leave every 10 minutes OR you should just talk to NPC and teleport instantly to your destination (so it would be still pretty useful option, after faster traveling on map).

I agree. Tran would be usefull after that. No to teleporting.

- No cooldown for repairing/dissassembling items.
No cooldown for repairing: yes or make it stackable or at least not limiting crafting.
No cooldown for dissassembling: definitely no. No bluesuit dissassemblers in TC!

- Bigger cooldown stack for gathering/crafting (to ~30 minutes)

- not nescessary. For gathering it would be good.

- More quests (it is essential for any RPG and MMO) – at the beggining it can be simple quests, same like in any MMO „bring quest item A to place B”, „Bring me 5 Xander Roots/jets/booze/whatever”, „Kill 5 bandits”, „Bring 10 bandit scalps” etc.

- Repeatable quests – some cool quest which you can repeat. Nice alternative for mindless farming.

- I hope devs and quest makers are already working on some.

- Hunting grounds – place, where newbies can obtain brahmin pelt more easily (game would be more newbies-friendly)... So making your first tent wouldn't be so almost-impossible for loners.

- Should be possible but much more time consuming than standard brahmin farming.

- Make crafting less time-consuming in compare to farming caravans. Good and High-Quality stuff should be obtainable only by crafting. Also equipment obtained by farming, should have less quality (30% deterioration and can't be repaired? Or something like that).

- HQ stuff available only through crafting would make crafting viable option to farming. Good idea.

- Make NPC drop more variable and more random items (lighters, junk, gunpowder, flints, Xander Roots etc.). Ofcourse it should be more random, so farming for materials wouldn't be possible. This option would make NPCs more realistic.

- Good idea but not important.

- Upgrade merc system – when you buy merc, you buy him unequipped. The more expensive the merc is, the better his skills are. So that would give you nice option of equipping your mercs with any weapon and armor you want! Ofcourse then mercs should be much cheaper...

- Yes. Stop farming mercs cheaper than their gun.

- Food & cooking – There should be ability to cook. Some of the recipes can be bought at shops, some can be looted at random encounters and some in dugeons (about dungeons, look down). Such a food would give really small temporary bonuses, like highest healing rate, +10 max hp or so. Something which would not be nessesery.

- Yes for cooking and minor bonuses. Might be done easily by adding new items to fixboy.

- Motorbikes – I want motorbikes (cheap option for a car. No trunk, very fast, use small amount of gas, 1-2 person can ride it), leather, sunglasses and sawed-off shotgun! 8D

- Hell yeah! I want bike too!

Dungeons and (Dragons) Instances – There should be implementet whole system of dungeons and instances, where you should enter with whole group of other players. Basically it would work almost the same as in World of Warcraft:
When your group enters dungeon, they are like in their own server – noone from outside the group can be spotted inside dungeon. Once you kill first mob, dungeon reset after 48 hours, and mobs/bosses don't respawn until then. Also then players from group can't change (so you can't reenter with your alts and prevent glitch using).
Inside dungeon, you will need different types of specialities, to advance further (repair generator/hack computer/disarm traps/lockpick the door/heal guard, so he can let you further/big Charisma and speech, so you can persuade guards to let you in).
Each dungeon would have few bosses. Each boss would be quite hard for team and drop random stuff, but better then normal mobs.
There would be few types of dungeons difficulty:
- Easy – you can earn there basic stuff, like leather armors, 10mm ammo, basic weapons (all stuff for newbies and low levels)
- Medium – Some little better stuff +recipes & books.
- Hard – High skills needed to repair generators etc... for veteran groups. You would earn there best stuff. CA's, BA's, LSW's, Plasma Rifles would drop from bossess (but in reasonable numbers)

These dungeons should be quite hard, so no 21 lvl powerbuild would solo them and farm them. You could also add option „At least 2 players to enter dungeon” to prevent farming. So it would be cool...

Locations where could be such a dungeons: Sierra Army Depot, Military Base, Necropolis, The Glow, San Francisco (or any other city) metro station, bottom of Arroyo Canyon, some abbandoned bunkers/bases/silos.

- More dungeons: definitely yes!
- Good ideas on locations
- No restrictions for entering dungeons. It can be made hard by enviromental means. Like variable requirements (repair, lockpick, sneak, speech) strong mob resistance and superhard boss.
- Yes for easy and medium dungeons but those must give only few low tier stuff to be not worth of farming.
- No for instances. Dungeon should have only one instance accesible for other group resulting in uknown dangers in well known dungeons. :-)

Quest items – Quest items, would be items, which you can see and take (loot) ONLY if you have certain quest. When you die, you loose everything after death BUT quest item stays in your inventory until you give it to quest giver/abandon quest/drop the item. When you decide to drop the quest item it destroys and dissappears (it would prevent some exploiting. Before dropping such an item, there would be warning about that action). Once you take quest item, it's bound to character, so you can't trade/sell it to others.

So for example, you get quest from BoS, to get some special computer parts from The Glow (dungeon?). You enter there with your team. Kill bossess and all of you get one Quest Item for each one of you. After that some PK kills you all. He loot your bodies, take ammo/guns etc, but he doesn't see your Quest items. After you replicate, you look at your inventory and you have no items, only Quest item left. So you go back to BoS to get your reward.

- Quest items should be droppable as another items. But quest items should be reaquireable in some way. (exp penalty for quest, caps need to be payed, more running around the world...)
Kill them all and let the god sort them out.
Re: Dungeons, Instances and many other ideas...
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2010, 07:08:09 pm »

Nope. Cars and bikes and trains would be useless. I suggest making of temporarry safe parking place instead. Like tent for some low resources. (one junk) lasting only few hours or even less.
No, cars would be still pretty useful. Car trunk and MUCH faster travelling and less encounters spotted. Car should be a LUXURY, not 'must-have'. In FO universe there are not too many cars.

- Should be possible but much more time consuming than standard brahmin farming.
Or now I have better idea. Noobland :P
New chars would be on some small area, where they can easily obtain some basic stuff and exp (leather jacket, 10mm pistol + some ammo, knife, hammer, hatchet, hides for tent). After leaving the area you cant go back in there (so no exploiting would be involved). It would solve problems of newcommers.

- No restrictions for entering dungeons. It can be made hard by enviromental means. Like variable requirements (repair, lockpick, sneak, speech) strong mob resistance and superhard boss.
Sorry, I didn't understand what do you mean in here. No restricions?

- Yes for easy and medium dungeons but those must give only few low tier stuff to be not worth of farming.
ofcourse. It should be something not worth farming for powergamers

- No for instances. Dungeon should have only one instance accesible for other group resulting in uknown dangers in well known dungeons. :-)
So you mean that every group would enter the same area? I think that would kill the whole idea. Coz we have enough PvP in this game. Separate instances for every group would encourage PvE players & clans.
And entering some dungeon full of PKs or going through whole area for empty boxes in the end would just suck imo ;P

- Quest items should be droppable as another items. But quest items should be reaquireable in some way. (exp penalty for quest, caps need to be payed, more running around the world...)
Well, in FOnline it's easy to die and loose everything. Lets not take EVERYTHING away after death ;P Lets leave quest items for players ;p

Thanks for such a good reply! :)
 Guitar Hero: Fallout


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Re: Dungeons, Instances and many other ideas...
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2010, 07:52:07 pm »

- Upgrade merc system – when you buy merc, you buy him unequipped. The more expensive the merc is, the better his skills are. So that would give you nice option of equipping your mercs with any weapon and armor you want! Ofcourse then mercs should be much cheaper...
I thinking this too, because mercs price is very high now.
And maybe mercs prices goes up when many players (10-50 players) have purchaced same merc.

- Food & cooking – There should be ability to cook. Some of the recipes can be bought at shops, some can be looted at random encounters and some in dugeons (about dungeons, look down). Such a food would give really small temporary bonuses, like highest healing rate, +10 max hp or so. Something which would not be nessesery.
Maybe we should leave this suggestion for shadows.. we are in wasteland not in The Sims game :(


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Re: Dungeons, Instances and many other ideas...
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2010, 08:11:30 pm »

Maybe we should leave this suggestion for shadows.. we are in wasteland not in The Sims game :(

- Food & cooking – There should be ability to cook. Some of the recipes can be bought at shops, some can be looted at random encounters and some in dugeons (about dungeons, look down). Such a food would give really small temporary bonuses, like highest healing rate, +10 max hp or so. Something which would not be nessesery.

If You ask me, Sure thing! Bunch of good ideas.

- Faster traveling on world map
I'm against

- Train should leave every 10 minutes OR you should just talk to NPC and teleport instantly to your destination (so it would be still pretty useful option, after faster traveling on map).
First part.

- No cooldown for repairing/dissassembling items.
Stackable repair

- Bigger cooldown stack for gathering/crafting (to ~30 minutes)
It is hard to say... sure thing more cooldown means easier game but I think that actual cd is ok.

- More quests (it is essential for any RPG and MMO) – at the beggining it can be simple quests, same like in any MMO „bring quest item A to place B”, „Bring me 5 Xander Roots/jets/booze/whatever”, „Kill 5 bandits”, „Bring 10 bandit scalps” etc.
I heard that there are people working on it. You to can send some of Your own quests to dev-team for rating/implementing.

- Repeatable quests – some cool quest which you can repeat. Nice alternative for mindless farming.
Same as above

- Hunting grounds – place, where newbies can obtain brahmin pelt more easily (game would be more newbies-friendly)... So making your first tent wouldn't be so almost-impossible for loners.
I have to agree obtaining brahmin hide is pure pain for newcomers. Some solution must be implemented.

- Make crafting less time-consuming in compare to farming caravans. Good and High-Quality stuff should be obtainable only by crafting. Also equipment obtained by farming, should have less quality (30% deterioration and can't be repaired? Or something like that).
True, re-balance is needed.

- Make NPC drop more variable and more random items (lighters, junk, gunpowder, flints, Xander Roots etc.). Ofcourse it should be more random, so farming for materials wouldn't be possible. This option would make NPCs more realistic.
Could be fun "take all button" would be used less :P

- Upgrade merc system – when you buy merc, you buy him unequipped. The more expensive the merc is, the better his skills are. So that would give you nice option of equipping your mercs with any weapon and armor you want! Ofcourse then mercs should be much cheaper...
This one is also good!

- Motorbikes – I want motorbikes (cheap option for a car. No trunk, very fast, use small amount of gas, 1-2 person can ride it), leather, sunglasses and sawed-off shotgun! 8D
And normal bikes to :P

About dungeons... hmm I heard that Dev-team have plans similiar to that. I'm gone wait to see what will hatch of these first.
Polskie Pustkowia
Re: Dungeons, Instances and many other ideas...
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2010, 08:28:37 pm »

Maybe we should leave this suggestion for shadows.. we are in wasteland not in The Sims game :(
No, no. This isn't another topic "Eat something and farm food or suffer".
Food would give you really small bonuses. And they wouldnt stack. So you can make food that gives you temporary +10 to max hp. Or higher healing rate. Or food that just heals you a little (like fruits). You know, something unnecessary.

I wonder why some of people are agains faster travel speed? I think faster speed would be good, if it wasn't TOO fast.
I remember times, when travel speed was a little faster. It wasn't so pain-in'the-a**. And cars were still useful. Cars were faster, they could transport more stuff etc.

Anyway, thanks for answers :)
« Last Edit: October 25, 2010, 08:31:49 pm by Kirkor »
 Guitar Hero: Fallout

John Ryder

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Re: Dungeons, Instances and many other ideas...
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2010, 08:49:06 pm »

Cars were never useful before this wipe. Because you had to have: 1. a car 2. shitload of outdoorsman skill to don't lose it in first encounter. Also faster moving speed on WM is unrealistic. It should be even slower and everyone should own a car. Will you go by foot from NCR to Boneyard when you would have a car? Ever watched Mad Max? Everyone fought over fuel for cars because of how transport was important.

I think cars should be made cheaper, available to everyone. Also parking lots should be created in safe towns so you can park your car there without fear of it being stolen.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2010, 08:50:38 pm by John Ryder »
 - It's intended!
Typical FOnline roleplayers
Re: Dungeons, Instances and many other ideas...
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2010, 01:44:45 pm »

Cars were never useful before this wipe. Because you had to have: 1. a car 2. shitload of outdoorsman skill to don't lose it in first encounter. Also faster moving speed on WM is unrealistic. It should be even slower and everyone should own a car. Will you go by foot from NCR to Boneyard when you would have a car? Ever watched Mad Max? Everyone fought over fuel for cars because of how transport was important.

I think cars should be made cheaper, available to everyone. Also parking lots should be created in safe towns so you can park your car there without fear of it being stolen.

I agree. Cheaper cars and parking lots would really make cars widely used and walking on foot only from respawn. ;-)
Kill them all and let the god sort them out.
Re: Dungeons, Instances and many other ideas...
« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2010, 02:08:19 pm »

Also faster moving speed on WM is unrealistic.
It's still unrealistic. If you want to make it realistic, you would have to wait few days before reaching another city. So imo you missed here.

It should be even slower and everyone should own a car
1) It isn't Mad Max universe, where everyone got cars. It's Fallout, where cars usually are not used. In FO1 there were only "steam tanks" mentioned. They were used by muties to invade Necro. In FO2 car was unique and only one of its kind.
2) It's game. Yes, games should be as much realistic as possible, BUT priority of a game is FUN. Slow moving is not fun. Specially for newcomers, who die ALOT and can't even dream about getting a car. They also doesn't have much Outdoorsman skill.
3) Nobody used cars before wipe, coz they were expensive and easy to loose.
4) Not everybody have high Outdoorsman. And with 'cars-for-everyone' this skill will be just useless.
5) Car should be LUXURY. Especially in post-apo world. Good car was luxury like 30-40 yrs ago. So same here...
6) Car give you nice bonuses: Car trunk, much faster traveling, taking more friends with you, less encounters.
7) Finally, whats the point of this "car for all"? It will just make game... the same as it would be with 15% faster traveling. Cheap cars for everyone would make traveling even easier, faster and purely stupid (its my opinion). Everyone would have car, so they would travel fast, it would make Outdoorsman skill useless and its just weird.

And I was talking to speed travel a little. Like 10-15% faster.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2010, 02:14:08 pm by Kirkor »
 Guitar Hero: Fallout

John Ryder

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Re: Dungeons, Instances and many other ideas...
« Reply #9 on: October 28, 2010, 02:00:46 am »

It's still unrealistic. If you want to make it realistic, you would have to wait few days before reaching another city. So imo you missed here.
1) It isn't Mad Max universe, where everyone got cars. It's Fallout, where cars usually are not used. In FO1 there were only "steam tanks" mentioned. They were used by muties to invade Necro. In FO2 car was unique and only one of its kind.
You deny your own points. Would you go on foot when you could use a car? The point is to make cars more available, there is even a bike graphic in SDK.
2) It's game. Yes, games should be as much realistic as possible, BUT priority of a game is FUN. Slow moving is not fun. Specially for newcomers, who die ALOT and can't even dream about getting a car. They also doesn't have much Outdoorsman skill.
Dying and losing everything isn't fun too. But should that be changed? No.

3) Nobody used cars before wipe, coz they were expensive and easy to loose.
I remember times, when travel speed was a little faster. It wasn't so pain-in'the-a**. And cars were still useful. Cars were faster, they could transport more stuff etc.
So? What's the final verdict?

4) Not everybody have high Outdoorsman. And with 'cars-for-everyone' this skill will be just useless.
You know what's useless? Gambling and speech. But you don't complain? Anyway I like it "useless" more than a "must" that ruins builds.

5) Car should be LUXURY. Especially in post-apo world. Good car was luxury like 30-40 yrs ago. So same here...
But you just said that fun is more important than realism. And I like Mad Max image more. Also consider we use high tech weapons so cars made from junk are not okay?

6) Car give you nice bonuses: Car trunk, much faster traveling, taking more friends with you, less encounters.
Mercs/Slaves/Brahmins are living storages with no carry weight limit, why would anyone use car's trunk when he can put a brahmin on a seat in a car? To take someone with a car you still need charisma so I don't know what do you mean.

7) Finally, whats the point of this "car for all"? It will just make game... the same as it would be with 15% faster traveling. Cheap cars for everyone would make traveling even easier, faster and purely stupid (its my opinion). Everyone would have car, so they would travel fast, it would make Outdoorsman skill useless and its just weird.
Just face it: you never had a car, nor money for any and you complain because you don't know how much cars are fun. :)
 - It's intended!
Typical FOnline roleplayers
Re: Dungeons, Instances and many other ideas...
« Reply #10 on: October 28, 2010, 12:02:22 pm »

Just face it: you never had a car, nor money for any and you complain because you don't know how much cars are fun. :)
No, my friend. I played this game about year ago. And believe me, I had 2 cars and lots of caravans. I had more money, then you can imagine, Brotherhood Armors, which were available only by gang competition etc.

So, no. That's not the pont. The point is, that it's too easy to loose this car right now and it's too hard to earn it for newcomer.

I don't complain. I just try to say, what would be better in my opinion. And I'm trying here to convince you. Didn't complain nor flame here. And I don't want to. Peace.
 Guitar Hero: Fallout


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Re: Dungeons, Instances and many other ideas...
« Reply #11 on: October 28, 2010, 01:30:11 pm »

The point is, that it's too easy to loose this car right now and it's too hard to earn it for newcomer.

5) Car should be LUXURY. Especially in post-apo world.

Don't these capsize each other? If cars are meant to be luxury, isn't it obvious that newcomers shouldn't get them just like that?

The travel speed isn't that bad, especially when we only spawn inside the radius of 10 squares from where we died. The way I see it, we're not meant to sail across the hostile desert in a matter of minutes even though that still happnes with current speed. Slower travel speed tries to encourage players settle in certain areas and that's good.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.


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Re: Dungeons, Instances and many other ideas...
« Reply #12 on: October 28, 2010, 02:12:45 pm »

Slower travel speed tries to encourage players settle in certain areas and that's good.

...wait! How that can be good? You were just saying in other thread that You would like to see more interactions between players (i think everybody wants more interaction then "Bang! I own ya nub!") and now You are saying that it's good that people settled in some areas? Why?

I think lower flow of people across wasteland means less interactions between them. Correct me if something I said is wrong.
Polskie Pustkowia


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Re: Dungeons, Instances and many other ideas...
« Reply #13 on: October 28, 2010, 02:27:53 pm »

...wait! How that can be good? You were just saying in other thread that You would like to see more interactions between players (i think everybody wants more interaction then "Bang! I own ya nub!") and now You are saying that it's good that people settled in some areas? Why?

I think lower flow of people across wasteland means less interactions between them. Correct me if something I said is wrong.

If the game encourages players to settle in certain area, it tmeans that in that area there are other players too. You interact with them and because you get to meet these settler more often, deeper socialization is possible. If players roamed across the desert, they met many people but only briefly. It's worse setting for friendmaking than meeting the same people regularly. 
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: Dungeons, Instances and many other ideas...
« Reply #14 on: October 28, 2010, 04:15:02 pm »

Don't these capsize each other? If cars are meant to be luxury, isn't it obvious that newcomers shouldn't get them just like that?
No, coz one of these were answer of John Ryder post about "car for everyone". He said that cars should be for everyone and slow travel is to encourage players to use cars.  So I said its to easy to loose them to do that.

And yes, I still think, that cars should be luxury, not necessity. So traveling on map should be slightly faster.

If the game encourages players to settle in certain area, it tmeans that in that area there are other players too.
No it's not. You have to travel ALOT to achieve something.
 You have to travel Tent -> Mine -> Workbench -> Tent
or Tent -> Junk in city ruins -> Tent
So for making stupid low tier weapon, you have to trave all around map, to get each of materials necessary to make weapon. Junk can be only found in city ruins, which are usually far away from mines, and those are far from HQ mats, which are far from computer parts. So there is alot of travel if you ask me.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2010, 04:19:32 pm by Kirkor »
 Guitar Hero: Fallout
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