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Author Topic: Strength and PE suggestion  (Read 3823 times)

Re: Strength and PE suggestion
« Reply #15 on: October 27, 2010, 04:04:33 pm »

The constitution states that every char has to be able to craft and fight and that's that. If constitution says that, then the 2 default necessities are crafting and fighting regardless what players expect. So in the end they get to choose 2 things: how they fight and what's their profesion.
IMO thats rather stupid idea. If everyone will have all proffessions (good crafter + good PvP) in one char, then there will be no diversity. No difference between characters and their builds. What I love in FOnline, that there are no classess. You can make great crafter. You can make great PvP. Or you can make decent both.

In RL you can't be good at everything. Life is about tough choices. I want to be a good worker, so I have to give up a little with my hobby, etc.

And every character have strong&weak points. If you have some weak points, there are some PERKS which can minimise the weak sides (pack rat for low carry weight, Sharpshooter for low PE, More crit for bigger chance to crit, Magnetic personality to travel with more friends, Weapon Handling for low ST etc). So you have to PLAN your build to be fairrly good at SOME aspects of game.

And there is also possibility of making alts. If you want to play PvP char, you make one. If you want to play crafter from time to time, you can make one too. But characters "all-in-one" is really bad idea...
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Re: Strength and PE suggestion
« Reply #16 on: October 27, 2010, 05:30:41 pm »

But characters "all-in-one" is really bad idea...

But that's whats in the works. Honestly I don't wish to discuss the whole matter here since it's already decided, I'm not even the one who made the decision but for sure I support it. What's left is to fabricate features that support the planned settings.

But if you want to question things, sure we can talk about it.
What you mean all in one? One pvp and one main profesion for sure isn't all in one. There's multiple build types and various profesions, there's no way you can put all fighting builds and profesions in one char. The very idea behind this new character building principle is to reduce the need of alts. After all what's the difference between having a char who can craft&fight and having 2 chars from which one fights and another crafts? In both cases you get access to crafting and fighting but the 1 char style is simplier and most likely closer how devs want the game to be like. I mean if they loved alts and absolutely wanted players to use them, they prolly wouldn't have implemented anti alt log in time and they would be everywhere telling us how they want more alts and that alts make the game good. But they don't like alts. Here's a quote from ghosthack from some random post:

Quote from: Ghosthack
Alts is always a problem. This doesn't have much do with this specific mechanic. I'd say just about any feature is affected by it.

Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: Strength and PE suggestion
« Reply #17 on: October 28, 2010, 06:10:48 pm »

From what I read earlier somewhere, there's going to be a change from the current crafting system to 1 with blueprints.
If that means the current requirements for crafting change to "having the blueprint for it", it would almost completely remove the need for crafting alts.
If they get rid of the specific terminals for MFC, 7.62 and drugs, there wouldn't be any need for crafting alts at all.
It's on the to do list.
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