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--- Quote from: Hardy on November 02, 2010, 10:21:49 am ---I liked FO3. Despite its amazing Graphics i think Bethesda catches the Fallout Flair pretty good. (Not nearly perfect but good)
The dark, caged feeling in the ruins of Washington especially the subways were pretty cool. The Gore Effects were cool.
Definetly one of my all time favorites.

But i really cant get into New Vegas ...
I dont get the Cowboy Style ...
Looks like a Collision Course betwen Red Dead Redemption and Fallout 3.

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Looks like you are [almost] the only one, who liked shitty F3 and don't like nearly amazing FNV.

Fallout New Vegas is worthy successor of original Fallout serie.

Well, i guess its about taste.

I just dont get this Cowboy Style at all. As if there were still magnum colts beyond year 2200...

And i cant understand why you guys are so angry at FO3 ^^. It was GOTY 2008. So it cant be that bad.

It's mainly because of the engine, but in FO3 they kinda overdid the 50:s references, and butchered most of the lore, localizing the FEV virus to the east coast whereas it was supposed to localized exclusively at the west coast, and of course fallout is a future-wild-west-with-some-50:s-references themed game. They also changed the super-mutants into "Steroid-junkie Orcs".

Technically speaking it is not Fallout 3, but it is more of "Oooh, lookit mah I'z oblivion in pozt-apoc setting, and I haz same outdated engin az my predecessor, but you can only chooz to b wun rejs, also, i'z not compatibul wiz oblivion modz, yes, i'm zat much of an asshole"


--- Quote from: gordulan on November 03, 2010, 02:03:10 pm ---Technically speaking it is not Fallout 3, but it is more of "Oooh, lookit mah I'z oblivion in pozt-apoc setting, and I haz same outdated engin az my predecessor, but you can only chooz to b wun rejs, also, i'z not compatibul wiz oblivion modz, yes, i'm zat much of an asshole"

--- End quote ---

this pretty much rounds up all u need to know about fallout 3. But i loved Oblivion and so i love FO3 ^^


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