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5mm hex locations?
Muties with miniguns have alot 5mm AP. There're usually 1 with mini, 1 with RL and 1 with flamer. Flamer is harmless, because muties walking in RT and don't know how to run, RL-mutie will help you with mini mutie who you'll burst in point blank with anything that can do bursts, then you run to RLer and burst him, then keeping distance between flamer guy and shoot his eyes. Better don't use armor, because it won't help you anyway, only if it BA or metal mk2 vs laser rifle. But don't afraid laser rifle much, muties 1st go away from you on long distance and only then shoot, so you have enought time to burst minigunner and run to that walking away mutie and burst him too. But anyway you may take metal mk2 with you, but the most brave persons are usually in bluesuit because they don't care if they die, so you won't afraid anything. Also Hub patrols don't need to be distracted to be easy to kill, may be they are wearing CA or whatever, but they are dying with 1 eye shot from 10mm SMG, because of low HP, so I don't see a problem in killing them... But they have full clip of JHP 5mm +some 5mm AP ammo in inventory, it's not that much. Easier to burst muties with x2 BRD and high critical chance in point blank.
Try farming Enclave/BOS patrols with an unarmed crippler(in turn based). Just drop their weapon, pick it up. The guy is harmless.
the best way to farm is around redding
its easier becouse they are easy to kill and normaly they are distracted by another party
its the safest way in my opinion altought u wont get a huge ammount of ammo from this way
And if all else fails, i can sell you 5mm AP cheap sir :)
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