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Author Topic: Gameplay with slaves TB + friends = impossible  (Read 1504 times)


  • Chars: Perforator & Penetrator =D
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Gameplay with slaves TB + friends = impossible
« on: October 22, 2010, 12:49:14 am »

When I had one slave everything was more or less a-o-k, but when I captured 4 the madness begun...

First, having four of the slaves I told them to "hit only if youre hit". I go into the radio beacon of my friend to catch more slaves... then my slaves start to attack the already unconscious ghouls... which I were to enslave...I had to send them on the edge of the map while trying on TB go to the unconscious ghoul use line on him ... OK I sent ghouls to the edge of the map... but 1 one of them seemed not to care and started shooting my prey. I used "stop all actions" and again sent the ghoul, that time he obeyed, though he went in another direction...

So I approach the second ghoul to enslave... all this happens incredibly slow on TB and 4 ghouls walking... and BAM some ghoul shot the unconscious ghoul. WTF. Ok nevermind the ghouls. It took ages to close TB and even when closed it opened again one or two times for no reason.

So I thought I messed with the options, so I go to attack options and chose "shot everyone except me and my friends" and my ghouls started attacking my friend on the map... my real friend told me that I should enter the name of friends in the dialogue, but there was nothing...and so another amazingly long minutes passed by as my friend was on the map. THen he went out and the ghouls were opening TB for no reason (maybe walking).

All in all, this was one of the most /facepalm events ever... How on earth do you (people with followers) manage your followers? Do you have amazingly long combats (I mean TB - how else could I catch another slave? Always catch one slave and leave him and catch one by one?)

I read Michaelh139's followers solution, but this really exceeded the list...
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator


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Re: Gameplay with slaves TB + friends = impossible
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2010, 02:26:10 am »

You have to Understand that Followers are definitely better used in Real Time, I mean sure, TB is somwhat necessary at first levels, but the real advantage to NPC followers is 1. you will die WAY less often.  2.  You will win way more often (if your smart).  and 3.  You have something to do with all the caps you will eventually accumulate.... 4.  Followers use their aps immediatey and more efficiently, and can aim in real time INSTANTLY, so if you hve 5 sniper mercs, you could quite literally destroy ANYONE 1vs1, or... 1 vs 6... :P, And its really really fun.

Your problem is "possibly" your giving commands to them when they're out of your sight, they have to be within your FoV for your command to get through, other wise you must've put them on kill all npcs, which, upon the npc leaving the slave/merc's FoV, and reentering as it looks back toward the area, the NPC will be considered hostile once again.

Btw, Friends means Friends of a faction base.  Not who you tag green, but that would be pretty cool.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2010, 02:27:54 am by Michaelh139 »
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  • Chars: Perforator & Penetrator =D
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Re: Gameplay with slaves TB + friends = impossible
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2010, 02:01:50 pm »

Oh, thanks for clarification about FOV/order relation and also Friends.... Well I forgot Im not in the same faction (the char was in the cave and not in the "main outpost" so I get it now)

Hmm, Ill try to play RT, thanks. Can you tell me how on earth can I tell my ghouls not to attack? I have 4 ghouls with hunting/sniper rifles and when I want to catch the fifth they immediately shoot ... I guess the answer is to leave the not needed ones in the tent...

By the way, are robbers better than ghouls? I mean, robbers can run, or at least are faster than ghouls and also can carry rifles? But probably have lower skill? (ghoul with sniper rifle kicks ass)

Is there any price differences when selling slaves to vortis? Like some are worth than other? Im new into the business hehe
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator


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Re: Gameplay with slaves TB + friends = impossible
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2010, 09:50:33 pm »

Tell them "stop all actions" when they're in your FoV, also, when you attack ANYTHING "unless they're in your friend or faction list or are followers of either" they will immediately attack, so knock out your chosen slave first then tell them to stop actions.

You can't enslave Robbers...  So I'll just uhh...  leave this here:

pretty accurate, except Marauder girls can't be enslaved anymore...  Which REALLY FRIGGIN SUCKS.  >.>.

The more stuff on the slave the more its worth, also, the HP and/or level of the slave affects the price.
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.
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