Other > Faction Announcements

Broken Hills City

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--- Quote from: LeMark on November 02, 2010, 03:15:48 pm ---One day MSH ask me to dont attack BH to support RP project, I give him a clear anwser : Ok. A week after we ask to have the same support to make something like Oprhans make in Den, like Modoc Militia (we have a lot of former Modoc Militia in our coalition), like Cajuns make in Klamath (the old Cajuns of NA time), like VSB/HAWK make in Gecko, like TTTLA make in Bh last session and we got 0 clear anwser. Last day they start the TC in Redding...

Yes you win last night in BH, but like you see in the past 2 weeks we will have no problem to change de situation, if you want to do every thing your way without negociation we will push you out of BH like we did last session.

To all people who support this project, you know us, you know them... bad to say but you will have to make a choice - Redding or Broken Hill.

To Broken Hill Hunter is still time to negociate, we wait you on IRC.

Qui vit par le feu meur par le feu.
Who live with fire die with fire.

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I think you are wrong and dont understand situation.
The Rogues NOT owners of the BH, we dont recieve money or another contribution from city, we are only securing and helping there, so you  attacked the peaceful city not us.
Very good LeMark to have double standards, so you just want to own redding and recieve money?
We have no choice but to respond to this aggression aimed at the peaceful rp town, and support citizens.


--- Quote from: Skycast on November 02, 2010, 03:33:43 pm ---I think you are wrong and dont understand situation.
The Rogues NOT owners of the BH, we dont recieve money or another contribution from city, we are only securing and helping there, so you  attacked the peaceful city not us.
Very good LeMark to have double standards, so you just want to own redding and recieve money?
We have no choice but to respond to this aggression aimed at the peaceful rp town, and support citizens.

--- End quote ---
Nobody is talkaing about any money. Where did you found anything about that? The problem is that you wanted to do the project, which I like&support. But when the TTTLA wanted the Redding for their project, btw. which would secure Broken Hills quite a lot, there was no real answer. Pack up your money propaganda and tell it someone who believes it.   


--- Quote from: Skycast on November 02, 2010, 03:33:43 pm ---I think you are wrong and dont understand situation.
The Rogues NOT owners of the BH, we dont recieve money or another contribution from city, we are only securing and helping there, so you  attacked the peaceful city not us.
Very good LeMark to have double standards, so you just want to own redding and recieve money?
We have no choice but to respond to this aggression aimed at the peaceful rp town, and support citizens.

--- End quote ---

Rogue and Broken Hill hunters is same for us atm. They fight with you in BH and out of BH. They make PK like you.

For the monay we dont give a shit, we already have more than we can spend like any other faction.

For the peaceful rp player must of them are in our coalition, I am on BH irc channal right now and half (maybe more) are from our alliance. You dont get all the support we give to this project, in term of protection (killing CS / Pk in BH) and in term of participation to the town RP. We ask only one thing, be able to make another RP town, can be the first session with 2 real peacefull town supported by 2 of the 3 North TC faction. But because you just want blood you decide to take Redding in first time...

This RP project will not neccesary die, but if you dont want to negociate and you accept only what come from you that will happen without you.... again.

LeMark, seriously ?

time to explain and clear a few things, shame i need to do that on forum.
yes i asked you for some support with this RP project, mostly RP help! and for not taking over the city in the middle of the night, as you like to do, when most of us are sleeping..  and we just cant help BHH.

really.. we haven't seen you guarding BH, patrolling mine!
if you reall want to taking over BH at nights - ok. that will be vicious circle, becouse you cant harm BH in middle of day and evnings

.. and you liked it, wanted to do something similar in the Redding - ok, lets bring back life to northen cities.. that was my answer and you know it.
we have waited over a week on your plans about Redding, and ? you did nothing! how we can make an agreement in this situation ? Redding is one of our main sources of caps, we cant just give you city in which will be empty, without any plans for developing.

edit: yes we need caps, for different things. we are not crafters and traders, tc is our main source of money
and caps are alwasy needed, even for running RP projects


--- Quote from: Surf Solar on November 02, 2010, 02:08:08 pm ---Thats a fucked up pseudo morality, I have to say.

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Hmm ...

Thanks for your opinion about it.


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