Other > Faction Announcements

Broken Hills City

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i was there and forgot preview doesnt work during TC so i had to come back and i got one sneaky snipey kill near the south before CS captured it... not much you can do in this game against dedicated lamers.


--- Quote from: Floodnik on November 11, 2010, 05:07:56 pm ---That was indeed quite a mess!

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good job ;) I like it ^^

seems like politics going over the dead corpes of the john publics of the wastes.... ??? ???


--- Quote from: anyuta on November 17, 2010, 03:42:26 am ---seems like politics going over the dead corpes of the john publics of the wastes.... ??? ???

--- End quote ---

Well BH is attacked everyday now by CS.
But you can try trade there. But first scout the main street. If there are no CS boons or no dead boides, then it safe ;P
Or ask radio on channel 2010
Or ask on IRC if it safe

There was time, where TTTLA (and VSB/Hawks) tried to settle a deal about roleplaying citeis in BH and Redding. You were against, and you ruinded TTTLA roleplay in Redding at start of this project by capturing city at night hour. Now, CS kick your ass with your RP project, so eat your sour grapes.


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