With 6 luck, minimum for snipers/minigunners.Skill 100, luck 6: Random ((10+6) * 100/100, skill) = Random (16, 100) = 58 HP healed on average (Roughly a free stimpak and a half)Skill 125, luck 6: Random ((10+6)*125/100,skill) = Random (20,125) = 72.5 HP healed on averageSkill 150, luck 6: Random ((10+6)*150/100,skill) = Random (24,150) = 87 HP healed on averageSkill 175, luck 6: Random ((10+6)*175/100,skill) = Random (28,175) = 101.5 HP healed on average (Roughly a free super stimpak)With 10 luckSkill 100, luck 10: Random ((10+10) * 100/100, skill) = Random (20, 100) = 60 HP healed on averageSkill 125, luck 10: Random ((10+10)*125/100,skill) = Random (25,125) = 75 HP healed on averageSkill 150, luck 10: Random ((10+10)*150/100,skill) = Random (30,150) = 90 HP healed on averageSkill 175, luck 10: Random ((10+10)*175/100,skill) = Random (35,175) = 105 HP healed on average
* Luck also makes critical hits have more consequences on you: - A sniper with 6 Luck shoots player with 1 Luck - Player getting shot is going to get a lot more Knock-outs/downs/damage multipliers, than if he had 6 Luck.
* Affects Dismantling (Using Science on) of Armors/Guns (more Luck = more materials you will probably get, but more-so affected by Science skill)
False. Ive had two characters with 300 science, one with 1 LK and one with 10 LK, there was no difference at all
If I remember well, before wipe, Luck was a very important factor in disassembling arithmetic.