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BG with bonus ranged damage vs 2 bursts from BG


Ive been thinking to make a BG build with bonus ranged damage so it would eradicate everything on sight 12-15x40 =480-600 dmg, just it wouldnt have BROF so it would shoot once.

I just dont know if its worth it. I do have a build that can shoot 2 times from minigun so 8-11x40 = 320-440 dmg

I was calculating dmg with armor but I get the impression that the BG with bonus ranged damage wont kill lvl21 in BA cause the damage spreads... so the best build would be the 2 burst ones right?

Anyone playing BG with bonus ranged damage?


 (12-15)x40x0,33x5/6(5mm ap) = 160-200 dmg x 5/6= 133,(3) - 166,(6)
vs BA (40/8)

5mm AP gives -35 to DR so its 05/8 = 118,(6) - 150,(3)

Nah, its not worth it with minigun. without BRD x2:

(8-11)x40x0,33x5/6 = 106,(6) - 146,(6) x 5/6 = 88,(8 ) - 122,(2) X 2 = 167,(6) - 244,(4)

Ok I guess I found my solution...

1/3 of your bullet only can hit your target if you're not at point blank.

brd is masthave if ur using minigun, in other case its wasted perk. Althou BG has plenty of other good weapons its unnecicary to take these 2 perks


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