Other > Closed suggestions

Realistic drugs system

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--- Quote from: John Ryder on October 17, 2010, 07:23:59 pm ---Yes, because breaking an arm from a cigarette is realistic. Or dying instantly. Also how smoking a whole pack of cigarettes is realistic? They need to be split into single units in the first place. Also why would I get poisoned by a cigarette? Nicotine poisoning can occur if too much nicotine is taken but that's not ammount of a single cigarette.

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I had anwered in previous post. And please, read the whole first post, before replying.

--- Quote from: barter1113 on October 17, 2010, 07:21:08 pm ---FOnline is only a game - not a real life :>

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I know, that's why its called "realistic drugs system"

I like the idea, just jet seems to have more cons than pros. It shouldnt be like the amount of times taken causes different symptoms... anyway with that table I doubt people would take it. I like the idea of getting poisoned.


--- Quote from: Graf on October 17, 2010, 07:25:39 pm ---I had anwered in previous post. And please, read the whole first post, before replying. I know, that's why its called "realistic drugs system"

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It's game so why do you suggest "realistic" drugs? Your cigarettes aren't realistic ;) We need more fun from game - not simulator of life. If you want simulator you should play Second Life or Sims.

--- Quote ---Every time you smoke another package, you have a 5% chance of instant-death
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This isn't realistic and make cigarettes unless to use.

The game doesnt need realistic drug system. While it could be fun for one or two days experimenting with it, it would make them too unpredictable, which is not what the game needs. The game needs the drug as an valid alternative for some players. The current drug system, eventhough doubted in the begining, now proves to be actually quite well done: taking drugs doesnt make you superman, it just give you little edge with a proper build and also it doesnt hurt pvp because of no after effects that makes you unusable junk for half an hour.

Too much realism kills the fun. And talking about realism, isnt there more unrealistic features in the game then drugs? What about that replication thingie? Its not like everything other then drugs is realistic in this game. 

Bantz, Replication could be explained well, as it were done if you will respawn near Modoc. It's just the matter of imagination.
Also, please read first post again, as I changed quite a lot of things in it.


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