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Your games... ONLY HERE!

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John Ryder:
Full throttle! What an awesome adventure game. Lucas Arts made few masterpieces back in the day.
Max Payne, of course the first one. Bullet time and comics story telling were brilliant.
And everything by Valve except L4D1/2. The first game was fine and quite few people liked it a lot but when they released the second one only after a year of delay, meh. Also don't forget countless mods for HL1/2.


--- Quote from: John Ryder on October 16, 2010, 06:02:34 pm ---Max Payne, of course the first one. Bullet time and comics story telling were brilliant.

--- End quote ---
OMG that was just... the best game for xbox evar...

- Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics
- Settlers 3
- Thief series: Dark Project, Metal Age, T2X, Deadly Shadows
- OpenTTD (Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe)


--- Quote from: Wichura on October 16, 2010, 06:36:38 pm ---- Thief series: Dark Project, Metal Age, T2X, Deadly Shadows

--- End quote ---

I love you even more now.

Fallout 1, 2 & Fonline
Battlefield Bad Company 2
Modern Warfare 2
GTA IV Liberty City stories
Mafia 1 & Mafia 2 :)
Quake 3 Arena
Tony Hawk American wasteland
Diablo 2
MOH 2010 :)
Gothic 1 & 2
American Conquest
Total War: Shogun


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