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Author Topic: a bit of TC change  (Read 2691 times)

a bit of TC change
« on: October 18, 2010, 08:36:10 pm »

ok, i know many "TC"ers wont like it, and other people could, but that namecolorizing is kinda... nerfed. why not to make something like when A faction takes B's town, all who are NOT in faction, cant be attacked on in the town, and neither they can attack A or B factions or each others, unless timeout runs out.... so all who are in A faction, see B faction people in red nicks.... all in B faction see A faction people in red nicks too. want allies to come? heres another suggestion, make new command in base's terminal, something like "Add faction to Ally list", then you gotta just write up ally's faction base's name. when that is done in both faction's, the "Ally" will be accepted by both bases terminals, and when A takes town control, hes ally faction can come help (C faction), what does that mean? A + C factions see B faction in red nicks, and both are of course fighting against it. B faction can do the same with terminals to allow ally come into a war and protect town.

ATTENTION: 1. non faction players in town cant pick any item which for example was from a dead guy, only then when TC Timeout is over, or (if possible) the guy who took items, is flagged as killable, and he is no more "invicible", till he dies once. [repeatable]
2. after Town Control is over, all is becoming back to normal, namecolorizing thing is away...
3. factions that arent listed as attackers/defenders/or A or B side's allies, cant fight(same system as in Hinkley) (or even enter town?)
4. attacker is the one who is first faction to try attack the town. no other attackers possible to enter town and try get control, unless Ally(cant take control, only faction they helping)
4. defenders are the ones who already control that town. nuff said.

ANY suggestions? criticism? comments? or maybe youd like to hug me for such an idea? no problem, just come on and let me know! :)


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Re: a bit of TC change
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2010, 09:50:29 pm »

the auto name colorising for faction members and alies will be a grat ideea

add something like chose alied factions and enemy factions and make profile for them like for members

and add some auto-name colorising:
blue=faction member
cyan=alied faction member
pink=enemy faction member

and not only in TC, but everywhere


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Re: a bit of TC change
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2010, 10:03:21 pm »

I see no reason why to implement that idea. Why shouldnt we be able to kill anyone in TC zone? Why shouldnt we able to kill scouts in TC? Do you know there actualy is many gangs in TC wars, not just the attacker&defender?

But the realy nice idea is auto colorizing of allies. With the disabled namecolorizing, that would be realy a step forward. Still, old namecolorizing would be the best, but better something then nothing.
Re: a bit of TC change
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2010, 11:34:51 pm »

I see no reason why to implement that idea. Why shouldnt we be able to kill anyone in TC zone? Why shouldnt we able to kill scouts in TC? Do you know there actualy is many gangs in TC wars, not just the attacker&defender?

well, look at this: you bring own scout, they bring own scout. fair? yes it is.

why not kill everyone? because its not about killing spree on whatever is moving, its a Town Control. do people kill innocents for purpose in wars? maybe only if they're some complete retards.... plus it gives bit role play element ("oh please" you might think) but think about it, "saving citizens and wastelanders" is RPly meaning that you dont kill whole town by taking control of it, or maybe you want a penalty for killing town's citizens or neutral wastelanders? i dont know, but imho my suggestion is  good, its just that no one keeps eyes so wide and wanna try that idea...

P.S. many gangs, well, really sorry, but if something doesnt taste good for you doesnt mean its gonna taste bad for everyone, as i said, no few attackers, but only one attacker faction, and its helpers (ally factions). other factions who wanna be attackers, can go try get other town.
Re: a bit of TC change
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2010, 11:46:47 pm »

i h8 new players cry.

What when scout go modoc when other fraction are taking this city, but this scout isnt added to any base? He can scout and cant be killed?


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Re: a bit of TC change
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2010, 11:56:16 pm »

why not kill everyone? because its not about killing spree on whatever is moving, its a Town Control. do people kill innocents for purpose in wars? maybe only if they're some complete retards.... plus it gives bit role play element ("oh please" you might think) but think about it, "saving citizens and wastelanders" is RPly meaning that you dont kill whole town by taking control of it, or maybe you want a penalty for killing town's citizens or neutral wastelanders? i dont know, but imho my suggestion is  good, its just that no one keeps eyes so wide and wanna try that idea...
1.) The fight itself would be straped of lot of fun if there could be just two teams.
2.) The city would get just swarmed by bunch of bluesuits, that wouldnt be there because they want to roleplay ,they would be there because they want to watch or try to loot something for themselves, maybe blocking the doors or stuff like that. Half of them would probably be scouts, so there would be no element of surprise in the fight.
3.)Very easily abusable with two friendly gangs.
4.)It would be adding artificial restraint into game that has almost none and the conditions are even for every player.

To sum up, I still dont see why. Its not protecting anyone, it only atracts people to watch&troll on the actual fighters and it would made the fight much less enjoyable. Who would benefit?


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Re: a bit of TC change
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2010, 11:56:35 pm »

i h8 new players cry.

What when scout go modoc when other fraction are taking this city, but this scout isnt added to any base? He can scout and cant be killed?
He just said sth bout that.

well, look at this: you bring own scout, they bring own scout. fair? yes it is.

Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.
Re: a bit of TC change
« Reply #7 on: October 19, 2010, 08:32:01 am »

well i was trying only to bring some idea, of course, it might be "raw".

P.S. one admin/GM said that he would want TC to be completely nerfed, this is why i posted my suggestion to tweak it, still though it seems to fail.
P.S.S blockers get flagged for which they can be killed (same with looters)
P.S.S.S and.... im not a crying newbie, i fought long time ago with North Alliance, ive been in about 5 gangs, i did have a Town Controls too.

"gangs already get reward for controlling town, but still newbies and innocents die when they come in".

really, towns aint just a battlefield, its a town, with professions, with quests, if a guy SURVIVED all dangerous places in the wasteland having 3000 caps to get prof, when he happily enters Broken Hills, thinking "now ill finally get a prof with my hard earned money", he just gets shot...

oh anyway.... i forgot that my suggestion included this: when TC timeout is over, town returns to normal, AKA kill anyone, steal shit.... hmm, maybe it should be vice versa then? no killing in NO TC, but kill and steal anything in TC Time...?


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Re: a bit of TC change
« Reply #8 on: October 19, 2010, 04:16:08 pm »

 I dont understant it. Few eras before, it was problem, that your "innocent" build could be killed during city wars. Now, if you see sign that someone is taking any city, just dont visit it. Also, you can see the possesor of that city in pip boy, so you can visit cities with holded by anti PK gangs without fear that some bluesuit marker will mark you by BBgun and all militia will attack you.

 Bluesuits during TC from eye view of TC pvp gang member:

 * scout of enemy .. of course we know all current names of enemy scouts, but it is not hard to make new. PK gangs kill them all, antiPK needs time to recognize them because of NC downgrade. But we still have ways - harder - how to avoid killing innocents (orders to leave city, steal to check inventory, warning shot to groin, is he is dumb).

 * looter .. during TC, there is a lot of stuff on ground, sometimes very valuable (best armors, guns that could not been even crafted, lot of ammo, drugs). At this moment, when we see "innocent" one, we shoot first than talk, because TC fights are expensive.

 * suicide bomber .. suicide bombing is way how to rush well defended players in some location

 * visitor .. some players visit cities during TC. Maybe they are not bad, but we have no way how to recognize them from each others. So before fight we tell them to leave, during or after fight we shot them, if it is necessary. If we see that we did mistake, we always give them their stuff back.

 If we will not be able to kill those "innocent" players, we will be f....d :)
« Last Edit: October 20, 2010, 04:45:34 pm by Lordus »
So long and THANKS for all the fish!
Re: a bit of TC change
« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2010, 09:24:10 pm »

but all bluesuit when x fraction taking a city must be killed


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Re: a bit of TC change
« Reply #10 on: October 19, 2010, 11:02:52 pm »

but all bluesuit when x fraction taking a city must be killed
Ok, just saying, it's spelled:  "FACTION"  not fraction.

on to the topic...

1. It's just too much programming, almost impossible, Scave- Looters make perfect sense, there are scavengers in real wars right now, but we should be able to kill them, which happens in real warzones today ;D.  So i say NO to invincibility.

2. Ok... Doesn't really make sense but whatever.


4. Mk...  no not really.  Ties in with the no. 1.

4(5).  Are TRYING to take control of the town, nuff said :P.
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.
Re: a bit of TC change
« Reply #11 on: October 20, 2010, 08:44:50 am »

im confused shitless, but i guess my idea sux  :P oh btw, ANTI-PK factions are PKs too, thats why im still pissed at you... former VSBers!
Re: a bit of TC change
« Reply #12 on: October 20, 2010, 04:07:38 pm »

im confused shitless, but i guess my idea sux  :P oh btw, ANTI-PK factions are PKs too, thats why im still pissed at you... former VSBers!

If you hear that there is war in iraq and u are weakling with no gun, armor, clan, trainig and go there. Nobody is surprised by u being killed. Only surprising would be the amount of your stupidity. xD
Kill them all and let the god sort them out.


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Re: a bit of TC change
« Reply #13 on: October 20, 2010, 04:48:05 pm »

im confused shitless, but i guess my idea sux  :P oh btw, ANTI-PK factions are PKs too, thats why im still pissed at you... former VSBers!

 Well, i think that difference between PK and ANTI-PK gangs are that anti - pk do not kill players for a reaspons as a special source of stuff/resources and because of no reason. If we have reason (scout/looter/bomber/Vedaras/thief/traitor), we will not hesitate.
So long and THANKS for all the fish!
Re: a bit of TC change
« Reply #14 on: October 21, 2010, 08:06:46 pm »

I see no reason why to implement that idea. Why shouldnt we be able to kill anyone in TC zone? Why shouldnt we able to kill scouts in TC? Do you know there actualy is many gangs in TC wars, not just the attacker&defender?

But the realy nice idea is auto colorizing of allies. With the disabled namecolorizing, that would be realy a step forward. Still, old namecolorizing would be the best, but better something then nothing.
it could be profitable to have wastelanders touring your town and bringing more money to the local economy?
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