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Need advice with my sniper build
Repair is fine over 180% and with Tool in active hand.
Sneak works good when it's on 300%, but even then you are visible from 3 hexes in front of everyone.
It's not possible to make one char with high combat skill, 300% Sneak and 180% Repair, because you have limited skillpoints - 21th level is maximum here.
With IN 10 you have 500 skillpoints at all, with IN 10 and Skilled trait you have 600. Above 100% of skill there is a penalty, you need more than one skillpoint to raise one point of chosen skill, I don't remember pattern now.
I suggest you to make one crafter char and one combat char. It may not be noble, but it's comfortable and easy for sure.
with 10 int you have enough points for 1 skill at 145% and sneak at 275% if you don't put a single point anywhere else.
I highly suggest a non-sneak char for a main/first char.
Yeah thanks again for the tips. I realized this would be a very hard character to make from scratch, so I started a crafter. It's working pretty well so far, the only really annoying part is once i get the 840 caps to get the guns and ammo book, i end up dieing and loosing it and having to start from scratch!
--- Quote from: aForcefulThrust on October 14, 2010, 05:28:20 pm ---Yeah thanks again for the tips. I realized this would be a very hard character to make from scratch, so I started a crafter. It's working pretty well so far, the only really annoying part is once i get the 840 caps to get the guns and ammo book, i end up dieing and loosing it and having to start from scratch!
--- End quote ---
shouldn't be that hard to get 840 caps. If you need any pointers send me a PM
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