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How flee from a encounter with your car ?
I have a car , and until now never made a encounter...
But in the case, what I must do if I wanna flee?
1) Enter again in your car, and you will return to World Map
2) Absolutely not, the right thing is running for the edge and your car will follow you as a good mercs
3) Nope, there is no chance of fleeing, you must kill every enemy ...
u must lose 3 cars before u find out
Just get back in your car, in RT. Not sure about TB.
If you have Real time encounter , you can easily escape , you must go into car , but other is in Turn Based , you must kill all enemies and then close combat and go into car.
I want to thank for any useful answer.
Prokiller and TheGrenHand if you need a brotherhood armor send me a pm with the name of your character that need it
Duna will glady give one as gift to this character (or ask for psycho or super stim if you prefer drugs)
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