GAM File Format

GAM files are indexed text files. They contain global variables for each core Fallout game and its maps, and are found in master.dat\data and master.dat\maps, respectively.

Format and editing of GAM files is identical between Fallout 1 and 2.


At the beginning there is a header - "MAP_GLOBAL_VARS:" in GAM files for maps and "GAME_GLOBAL_VARS:" in VAULT13.GAM.

Next is a list of variables - first the name (as in most programming languages it can contain Latin letters, numbers, and underscores, as in "MVAR_Last_Respawn_Map"), then the assignment operator (:=, attributed to Pascal, Fallout's proprietary scripting language), then the initial value of the variable, and at the end a semicolon.

Variables are referred to in scripts by their number in the list (starting at zero).

Variable names are always written with capitalized internal words to distinguish them from map variables, and following each variable is a comment with its number. This is done for the convenience of programmers.

Do not exceed 256 characters in any one line in this file. Any lines above 256 characters will overflow into the following line, causing all global variables after that to hold incorrect data.

Example 1

//MAP VAR                              NUMBER

SecDoor_open            := 0;           // (0)
armory_access           := 0;           // (1)
revolting               := 1;           // (2)
dummyvar                := 0;           // (3)
map_runs                := 0;           // (4)
rebels_leave_date       := 100;         // (5)


2020-01-16 - Ported from