FON File Format

This document describes the FON file format. The information was obtained in the course of reviewing relevant functions in Mapper2.exe. The names of the structures and their fields used in the program were received from the debugging information in Mapper2.exe.


Fonts from FON files are used for displaying information on the Fallout and Fallout 2 worldmap (according to information provided by Wasteland Ghost). All fonts are non-scalable, raster, and do not contain any anti-aliasing information.


Offset Size Type Block Description
0x0 4 int Header The number of character images in the file. A shorthand notation num is used below.Note: Some characters are not included because they weren't included in the file(s).
0x4 4 int The height of the font in points
0x8 4 int The distance between adjacent symbols in points
0xC 4 FontInfo* Pointer to an array of structures that describe the characters.
Note: This field is only important in the memory of the computer. Inside the file, it has no meaning.
0x10 4 unsigned char* Pointer to an array of images of each individual character's data.
Note: This field is only important in the memory of the computer. Inside the file, it has no meaning.
0x14 4 int An array of characters descriptors Symbol 0 width
0x18 4 int Symbol 0 position in a block of data
0x1C 4 int Symbol 1 width
0x20 4 int Symbol 1 position in a block of data
... ... ... ...
0x14 + 8 * num 1 unsigned char Characters' images data
... ... ...

Memory structure

To work with FON files, mapper2.exe and fallout2.exe use the following structure:


typedef struct {
    int num;                // The number of images of characters in the file 
    int height;             // height of the font in points 
    int spacing;            // The distance between adjacent symbols at the points 
    FontInfo* info;         // Pointer to the array structures, describing characters 
    unsigned char* data;    // Pointer to the array structures, describing symbol
} Font; 

Symbol descriptor

typedef struct {
    int width;   // width character's points
    int offset;  // The image characters in a block of data 
} FontInfo; 

The size of the block of data depicting characters determined as follows:

last = font.num-1; // Index of last character in the font
size =[last].offset + ([last].width + 7) / 8 * font.height;

Through Construction

([last].width + 7) / 8

determined by the number of bytes needed to store information on one line symbol image. Information on the image stored as a symbol bit matrix.


Let's say there is a symbol of the size 8x16 points, which is described as the following block data

00 00 7e 81 a5 81 81 bd 99 81 81 7e 00 00 00 00
Bit matrix takes the form of
00       00000000        ........
00       00000000        ........
7e       01111110        .######.
81       10000001        #......#
a5       10100101        #.#..#.#
81       10000001        #......#
81       10000001        #......#
bd  ==>  10111101  ==>   #.####.#
99       10011001        #..##..#
81       10000001        #......#
81       10000001        #......#
7e       01111110        .######.
00       00000000        ........
00       00000000        ........
00       00000000        ........
00       00000000        ........


FON editor - source code


2020-01-16 - Ported from