2. Make a good character.
When you are ready to play FOnline : 2238, just launch the game. The first thing to do is now to create a new character.
At the top of the screen, set your character's name, then your password, then your character's gender. When you're done, modify the default character:
SPECIAL system is your character's core. It's the SPECIAL that defines mainly if your character will be a pure fighter, or a leader, or a doctor.

- Strength is important to carry items and weapons. If you plan to use Big Guns or Energy rifles, set your strenght to 7. If you plan to use grenades or throwable knifes, set it to 5 and take the Heave-ho! perk. If you play without friends or factions, if you're a beginner, it is better to use Small Guns : You can, then, set your strenght to ~5.
- Perception will make you able to see further. It is recommended to set it at least to 5. Leaders and snipers will set it to approximately 9 or 10.
- Endurance defines many things, like your hit points, your resistance level and other things. Pair numbers are the best when talking about Endurance, so set it to 6, that's our advice. If you set it to 4, you won't be able to take that much perks and will have low hit points amount when level 24 (The max. level).
- Charisma will help you to travel with other people and to speak to NPCs. If you want to make some quests, to be a crafter, to barter with bartenders,, shopkeepers or merchants, then it's better to have an average Charisma - too many people make the mistake to set it to 1. With a Charisma equal to 4, you'll be able to carry 3 mates with you while travelling in the desert.
- Intelligence defines your skill points amount by level. If you set it too low, you won't be able to raise your skills enough to make them useful.
- Agility defines your total Action Points. AG 3 = 6 AP ; AG 5 = 7 AP ; AG 6 = 8 AP ; AG 8 = 9 AP ; AG 10 = 10 AP. Like Endurance, it is better to set a pair number.
- Luck defines your luck. With LK 1 you will often fail at shooting other people. With LK 6 you'll be able to take all the critics-based perks. It also increases your critical hit chances by 1% for every point you put in it.
Traits are optional and have both positive and negative effects. For example, a character with the
Good Natured trait will be a better leader or merchant but less useful with guns.
Sex Appeal trait doesn't work.
On the picture above, you can see the
Skills part. Skills define what your character is able to do. Tags make a skill able to raise twice quicker than any other. For a combat skill, it is recommended to reach approximately 200%. If you're new to the game, tag the
Small Guns skill, since small guns are the easiest to find. If you're a crafter (And beginners should be crafting), have a look at
Science and
Repair skills. If you're really lonely, tag the
Outdoorsman skill, not to die alone in the wasteland.
First Aid and
Doctor are also pretty useful skills.