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Author Topic: auction  (Read 5457 times)

« on: July 27, 2011, 04:11:51 pm »

I think that one of most needed feature for every mmo is auction or some place for safe and offline item exchenge directly between players.
-Current trader system is not sufficient for this goal because of many reasons:
-constant threat of sucuide gankers and thieves,
-limited amount of money in traders,
-limited amount of usable goods in traders,
-huge amounts of junk in traders,
-lack of smarter goods search mechanism,
-traders are dispersed around whole wasteland.

Those reasons force players to make shitloads of personal stock due to item availability much more than its price and does not allow them to sell items comfortably and safely when not needed for proper price.
Forum auctions are useful only for players which are often online and willing to organize their time around trade which is very uncomfortale and not done much.

Free market have nice self regulatory function for item availability, usability and price, making everithing available for proper price.

Auction version 0) I think that first prerequisite for this kind of trade is making some secure place free of sucuide gankers and thieves.
IMHO this place should have features:
-Guards loots dead and shoot looters (prevention of sucuide ganking)
-Guards shoot everyone with weapon in active hand (prevention of sucuide ganking)
-Guards have zillion perception and shoots everyone who makes stealing action, even without any item stolen or planted (prevention of thieves)
-Lots of guards everywhere around for no blind spots
-Massive guard reinforcements in case of teir deaths

Auction version 1) Most needed is oflline item exchange. I think it can be realized by some "smart" containers which would open dialog where you cold say to whome transfer those items.
This person would find items you send upon opening this container and he might send you back money agreed via forum back without nescessity of both of you being online.

Auction version 2) Very important feature of all auctions is ability to sell those items to everyone in game for price you choose yourself.
This might be done by some trader which would accept items for 0 caps and asks you to set price for those items you are selling.
Items also should be removable from auction. Maybe by "smart" container. Buyers would just buy items from trader for price you set.
Items also should be removed from auction after some time. This time should be payed in caps. Maybe few caps mininimum a day and some percentage of item price as maximum.

Auction version 3) Last but not least feature of propper auction is bidding. I have no clear idea how to realize it in current fonline interface.
It might be done by trader which tells you itemid of item you chose in trade and then you say himm your bid for this item id and at the end of auction winner will get his item via "smart" container.

Things i think auction will ad. to this game:
+ better item availability
+ comfortable trade usable by casual player
+ safe out-of-faction item exchange
+ increased ingame use of caps
+ place just to hang around and talk nonsense to others
+ chance for dedicated crafters/miners to make fine living
Things i think will be reduced
- sucuide ganking
- population in famous NCR market
- people running around traders
- many crafter alts become obsolete
- massive stocks in base become less nescessary
- thrill of being suicuide ganked or stolen from during trade
Kill them all and let the god sort them out.


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Re: auction
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2011, 05:05:56 pm »

This would be great.

I think best way to implement the auction would be like Oska explained: area that is 100% safe and free from griefing. If it's not, players will not come there and will resort again to offgame methods to trade. This feature just needs to be totally concentrated on trade and item exchange between players.
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Re: auction
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2011, 05:24:15 pm »

I'd say add computer in every city, the one that are in bases. These would be trading terminals. You could place your offers there and others could read them. More importanlty leaving an offer would mean leaving an item so if somebody buys it there he automatically gets it.

Alternatively everyone could have trading interface in his pipboy.
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Re: auction
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2011, 06:18:19 pm »

sounds good :)
Roaming the waste again.


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Re: auction
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2011, 01:16:25 am »

I would really like to see this implemented one day, trading is one of the few things I enjoy the most. Alas, I doubt we gonna see this implemented sooner or later.
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Re: auction
« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2011, 02:07:53 am »

-Guards loots dead and shoot looters (prevention of sucuide ganking)
-Guards shoot everyone with weapon in active hand (prevention of sucuide ganking)
-Guards have zillion perception and shoots everyone who makes stealing action, even without any item stolen or planted (prevention of thieves)
-Lots of guards everywhere around for no blind spots
-Massive guard reinforcements in case of teir deaths
Just make non-PvP location >_>

Or else I would kick thier eyes or explode with dynamite.

You can even do that without guards, without "Oh noes, I forgot to put my weapon to 2nd slot and died!", without "I accidentally looted my friend after some guy critically kicked him in the eyes, because he had 304985734 caps, but guards killed me!", without "Someone sitting in the tent with weapon and all guards are busy trying to get inside, but 10 mercs blocking doorway, and some trolls kicking everyone in the eyes, help!", etc.

I'd say add computer in every city
Many computers, many many many computers.
Or immortal-unpushable Auctioneer.
Because 1 terminal isn't enough, 10 mercs will surround it and noone would be able to reach it, especially if:
-Guards loots dead and shoot looters (prevention of sucuide ganking)
-Guards shoot everyone with weapon in active hand (prevention of sucuide ganking)
-Guards have zillion perception and shoots everyone who makes stealing action, even without any item stolen or planted (prevention of thieves)
-Lots of guards everywhere around for no blind spots
-Massive guard reinforcements in case of teir deaths
Noone would be able even to kill them!

So, if say exactly:
Auction place should have a door like Hinkley:
1) Mercs won't teleport with you.
2) While you're pressing dialogue button that teleports you to auction place, it performs check:
If you have dangerous items in your inventory (activated dynamite, ...brahmin shit), it says that you can't enter location and says you to gtfo.
If you have a weapon in your active slot, it says you to put it down, not teleports you, and then warns you to not show it inside.
If you have no weapon and no dangerous items, then he only warns you to not show weapon and behave you inside and teleports you inside.
3) Location should be with PvP disabled, dynamite should be impossible to be activated inside, or not-activated dynamite should be considered as dangerous on door check, but then you'll be unable to sell it on auction, what is really really sad, because dynamite is fun bringing item.

There must be more than 1 auctioners/terminals or whatever, because organized trolling still can make blocking them possible, but if there will be too much of sources to perform auction, it'll be harded.
Still they can push you from terminal/auctioner all the time. And that's the only problem. If you'll make pushing unable, then trolls will be unstopable, if you'll make pushing unable to talking/using terminal characters, then trolls will talk and block at the same time, if you'll put some cooldown on pushing, then victims of troll may suffer from it.
But I think pushing from terminal/NPC isn't a big problem, if only you'll gather an army of trolls to destroy server's economy by pushing everyone on auction.
Attacking/stealing should be simply disabled there instead of punishing offenders. Guards can be even not exist inside, as they no needed there.
Also I can understand attacking, but why stealing? Stealing is a skill, I think stealing should be allowed, simply it should be somehow balanced, not in auction area, but at all. Thieves are losing nothing, that's why everyone thinks they're griefers/trolls, if this skill will be changed somehow, then stealing shouldn't be blocked there, as you kill one of skills in game.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2011, 02:09:43 am by RavenousRat »


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Re: auction
« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2011, 05:20:38 am »

-Guards loots dead and shoot looters (prevention of sucuide ganking)
-Guards shoot everyone with weapon in active hand (prevention of sucuide ganking)
-Guards have zillion perception and shoots everyone who makes stealing action, even without any item stolen or planted (prevention of thieves)
-Lots of guards everywhere around for no blind spots
-Massive guard reinforcements in case of teir deaths
you forgot:
-Guards in 75% of the hexs in the map
-Guards instakill everybody every 5min
-Guards have 99999,etc.HP Gauss Bozars and Power Armor mk5.3.2

Lol just disable pvp in the zone, you cant shot anything in the trading map
Current char: Oblivion, Oceansoul, Black Tears

Sorry for my bad english
Quote from: Santa Anna
Any action or inaction in a position of power will always grant you enemies
Re: auction
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2011, 09:16:24 am »

Just make non-PvP location >_>

So, if say exactly:
Auction place should have a door like Hinkley:

All very valid points of pro troll. ;-) I think that just hinkley door is not enough. I think best would be if everyone upon entering location from map would be teleported to personal location with door to auction and exitgrid to prevent auction entrance camping.
Kill them all and let the god sort them out.
Re: auction
« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2011, 09:30:20 am »

Then just make access through terminals in PC and NPC faction bases. Noone will camp this terminal... in your base, and noone will camp exit grid in your base, if only you're a base raper who came to hostile base just to do auction.

Also auction can be abused by "teleporting" items to your friend from one part of California to another. Just set an item for 1 cap, and let your friend instantly buy it. The risk is very low, because only you two know about it and he could buy it in 1-2 seconds after you set it.

And caps transaction. You have 50k caps, and don't want to travel with it through whole California because evil metal men with miniguns can kill you.
You set Scorpion tail for sale for 50k, and your friend/you/your alt buying it for 50k and those 50k teleporting from tail buyer to tail seller.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2011, 09:35:19 am by RavenousRat »
Re: auction
« Reply #9 on: July 28, 2011, 10:13:16 am »

I always thought about auction as single area on map. With deposit for item remaining in auction with minimum and maximum auction those transports wont be abuse but proper feature. ;-)
Kill them all and let the god sort them out.
Re: auction
« Reply #10 on: July 28, 2011, 10:34:36 am »

I always thought about auction as single area on map. With deposit for item remaining in auction with minimum and maximum auction those transports wont be abuse but proper feature. ;-)
Then I'll make zillion alts and enter created private location for my each of my character to abuse server's memory and perform server crash! ^_^

So, the only way left:
Special individual lifeless location for each player, where he can set items and buy items from others via NPC/terminal? Because evil trolls will troll innocent good players if it'll be public location.
I think non-pvp location isn't that bad (you'll see other players, it'll make market alive, individual location for trading seems a bit strange), just need to make map properly so blocking and pushing won't affect poor innocents players much.
Re: auction
« Reply #11 on: August 01, 2011, 08:44:38 pm »

Just making topic on top. :-)
Kill them all and let the god sort them out.


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Re: auction
« Reply #12 on: August 27, 2011, 04:30:55 pm »

I will try to add the KISS principle to this much needed suggestion.

Use existing FLC Banks as escrow auctionhouses, instead of dreaming up new hightech fortresses for trading. That way only minor tweaking is needed.

How it would work:
  • OskaRus hands in 3000x223 ammo in VC, and desides that he wants a minimum of 60k for them, and set the time to 72 hours. Cost for auction is 10% of min price = 6k
  • RavenousRat goes to auction house in VC and places 65k for the ammo.
  • Sarakin then goes to NCR and places 75k for it
  • falloutdude places 76k at last minutte in the Hub, auction is prolonged to 10 minuttes after last bid
  • Sarakin in NCR adds another 25k to his bid making it 100k - wins the auction
  • RavenousRat and falloutdude can now go to any FLC branch and get their caps back, when it suits them
  • Sarakin would naturally have to travel to VC to collect the ammo
  • OskaRus can now collect his 100k in any of the FLC branches

Prices would be adjusted by the supply/demand rule... the basis of any economy, even a post-apocalyptic one!
"Once you get locked into a serious drug-collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can!"

Implement Auctions in FLC banks
Endgame idea
Re: auction
« Reply #13 on: August 27, 2011, 05:47:51 pm »

I demand this :) okay i beg for this....
Re: auction
« Reply #14 on: August 27, 2011, 08:04:49 pm »

maybe inner City from VaultCity is good place for this auctions-
because of the need of a daypass there are not many suicidebombers or something.
How i learned to love the bomb...
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