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Author Topic: Wasteland Subjective Dictionary  (Read 7232 times)


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Wasteland Subjective Dictionary
« on: April 11, 2010, 01:04:37 am »

It appeared here firstly, but I was asked to translate it and copy in this section.
Translation by me and Skejwen, translation from "engrish" to english and grammar corrections by Roachor.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a joke. It is subjective and totally out of political correctness, still just a joke. Have fun.

- alt - 2nd, 3rd or, 17th character of player. It is a rather unwelcome phenomenon from developer’s point of view. It makes possible to reach goals unreachable for single person.  Iif you can’t manage in other way than making alts for every task that this game offers, i.e. one for crafting, second for healing, third for gathering and "main" character. Be aware - probably you become "Gang Dumbass" (check types of players), relogging between alts is restricted by a 10 minute cooldown, 30 is possible due to bugs.
- bomber - check types of players
- build - Distribution of SPECIAL points, Traits and Tags. 3/4 builds are "snipers", approximately 1/20 are snipers. First one that you will create is always fucked up.  unless you belong to almost extinct species of human, who read manuals.
- CA, Combat Armor - item that requires astronomical amount of resources to be crafted. Its unspeakable valuable  makes most players wet. Appearing in it alone in an unguarded city could be last thing that you will do in your life.
- CD, cooldown - Time you must wait after your character uses a skill or creating an item., A source of common frustration and hatred towards the developers, although without it there would be  piles of miniguns everywhere and stuff would have no value. Losing good armor or weapons means wasted hours of sitting   on your ass and crafting
- Cents, Centaurs, sometimes accompanied with Floaters - Hard to kill but give lots of xp, if you let them get too close they will give you a nice dose of poison and radiation
- craft - wide like steppes of Ukraine field of wisdom, art craft and source of fetishes in kind of CA, as far as in single player all toys were lying on ground or were in shops and no one were able to take it from you, inasmuch here it’s better to understand at last very basics to somehow handle reality: boring task, but it not once brings remarkable amounts of experience and bottle caps. If you liked McGyver you will love it.
- dev – Crazy people spending their free time and skills creating this game, .  As a reward they receives emails and messages on IRC that includes swearing, crying because laser pistol can be craftedr once per several hours and not every five seconds. In addition rats killed me again and I DEMAND THAT SOMETHING MUST TO BE DONE WITH IT, OTHERWISE I STOP PLAYING!
- e-beer- check RP, group of boring activities other than shooting in PvP, some hardcore RPG (check player types) players used to do it, this term is based on people who spent their time sitting in Hubs bar and drinking beer that they bought there.
- Event - something that you won’t see every day in game, its run and supervised by GMs, who can’t teach players that stuff given for an event isn’t a source of resources. Some events fail and are boring, others are popular and that one’s could enter for good the calendar (Warzone -– it’s an event that allows an MMORPG game to legally and without frustration play  Quake Arena. There are people who enjoy  this type of gameplay - check player types). Most of events become in senseless slaughter. Events are fun because even long after it happens the whole Wasteland is full of arguments, shouts, pretensions and gunshots.
- Exploit - bug or oversight, which can be used to the players advantage. Last famous exploit was one with BB Gun, which was created forom Wood and Junk, and after disassembling using Science you received Junk, Metal Parts and Tube. Purpose of the Tube wasn’t clear, though not confirmed; information says that if you have 150% in Doctor skill and high Agility you were able craft Gauss Dildo. Tube didn’t have any other use, . You sometimes could try to sell it, if you encountered some noob willing to pay for it.
- FA – First Aid, in FOnline it’s very important to basic survival - there are stimpaks, but using them quickly isn’t as easy. Since last wipe First Aid cannot be used in turn based combat.
- Faction, gang - Numbering from 3 to 100 (including alts) groups of players gather to reach some common goal: playing Quake, crafting, earning experience. Total freaks start RPG gangs. From the gang name you can create nice looking abbreviations, which you need to use often. For example make Gecko become empty by shouting it. Criteria to join such groups are various, depending on main purpose of gang: sometimes it’s well made character, sometimes it’s someone who is needed in the gang (transporter with 10 CH and tagged Outdoorsman skill, rest is irrelevant, eventually it could be young and stupid noob with sledge and big carry weight, who will make alloys). Sometimes you need to buy yourself into the gang by bringing resources or stuff in your teeth, sometimes it’s enough to not be an idiot and to meet other non idiots. The game is way easier if you are member of some organization.
- GM, game master - Madman who spends his free time on keeping the game world going, running events and helping people with problems. As a reward he gets accused of promoting gang X over gang Y, also he is being constantly accused of abusing his superhuman powers  and being part of shadowy plots to steal from your tent.
- GM abuse - abusing GM powers, it’s every action that a GM performs in game besides standing in NCR and listening to beggars, frustrated players and geeks.
- Grid - brown or green field at the entrance to location. Because entering people appear here, the biggest and most fearsome gangs of the Wasteland invented reliable battle tactic affiliated with grids called "camping/holding grid" - several brave warriors are standing one hex from grid and wait till someone will spawn, if there is more arrivals than warriors then they perform maneuver of retreating to better positions hidden behind the grid somewhere.
- Hex - determined by the Office of Weights and Measures of NCR distance unit in FOnline universe. It’s the hexagon, on which you can put a critter or stuff. Hexes are being discussed by snipers, those discussions concerns the distance they can reach with their “guns”.
- HP, health points - It can have minus value, but then someone needs to loot you. It’s better to keep it over 0, but that’s rather obvious. If your hp is under 0 but you haven’t died yet and have been left lying there, you can type ~cuttheveins for sweet release.
- Loot - If you manage to kill someone, search his corpse. There is great chance that you will find something that you can sell or use to kill another living thing
- NCR - center of the universe, it’s the best place to earn your first bottle caps, first bullets in head, receive interesting stuff or being blown up by crazy bomber. From here starts expeditions for stuff, experience or against Russians. It’s the focal point for everyone who wants to be social.
- newcomer - check player types
- PK - check player types
- PvE - killing scorpions, brahmins, molerats, ghouls, raiders, centaurs, caravans... everything that gives stuff and XP. Sometimes after clearing location from critters there are micro-Olympics athletic game called "who will loot first"
- PvP – Beating humanoids that have names above their heads, sometimes there is loot, there is never an XP but every time you get a lot of entertainment. When you win you are pr0gamer, just like the 10 buddies on your side (for winning it is recommended to have numerical superiority of a minimum of 2:1, otherwise you can cover the shame). When you lose your opponent is an abuser, a cheater and it’s certain that someone helped him.
- RP, playing a role - check player types
- RT - combat mode in real time, when everything on screen eats speed and receives acceleration, which would shame Large Hadron Collider
- TB - combat in turns, with numbers of players exceeding 20  when waiting for your turn you can prepare some food, walk the dog, clean some dust or watch several movies on Red/YouTube.
- TC, Town control – Town control performed by a gang, it should be a state, when gang members stay in town to protect it; it is actually a state when gang members while staying in town kill everyone that enters, except their own members; that makes towns north from NCR useless for loners or newcomers.
- Xoen, Xoen’s cow - mythical animal like the Loch Ness Monster, which disappeared when returning from a looting expedition to the Glow. Thanks to special build Xoens cow had five digit carry weight and it had on back several hundreds of Advanced Power Armors MkII, Gauss rifles, dozen prototypes of Gauss miniguns, 2 millions of 2mm EC ammo. This transport had to be carefully allocated among vendors, but Xoen hid it so well that even devs do not know where all this stuff now is.
- XP - the more monsters you kill or , items you craft, the more exp you get. Killing too much of individual creature types causes a drop in xp gain, killing a player does not give anything.
- wipe, server wipe - Apocalypse, Doom, Great Diarrhea - clearing all content of game server, characters, objects, bases, gangs and so on. It takes place at irregular intervals; it’s sometimes announced by devs. After the wipe everyone starts from scratch, many naively sees this opportunity to become the biggest, most terrible murderer of Wastelands, without realizing that this does not determined by the speed that you gain items and exp, but the skills that can’t be acquired from day to day. Unverified information about the possibility faxing items on TLA server, but only few know how to "ask the signal fax " in Russian, not to mention number the number to send that fax to.
- WTB - Scream performed in NCR bazaar with the suffix referring to the desired item, for example, "WTB 5 mm AP" or "WTB Brahmin Hides". Screaming individuals is an important tip for thieves that there are some caps nearby to be earned.
- WTS - Scream performed inNCR bazaar with the suffix referring to the offered item. Screaming individual is an important tip for thieves, that there are some interesting items nearby to be taken. Spartans also use this scream after successful disassembling ("WTS alloys" in example), which causes -10 for fighting spirit and +20 to pissoff modifiers for previous owner of specified item.

Player types:
- Northern – Vikings, berserkers, PvP-lovers, mindless apes, rocket jumpers.. They are usually slaughtering each other using different weapons . Sometimes they are head south, they are called “PK” then. Their chars are optimized for fighting, that’s why they are useless for any other purposes. 200+ HP is a standard here. They come to events to fuck them up, because they can’t do anything else. They write whiny posts.
- Southern – Role-Players, pussies, PvE-lovers, spartans, sissies. They are drinking e-beer, punching critters, crafting strange items, some of them even test this game instead of just having fun. Sometimes they are head north where they are called “Spartans” or “Noobs”. Their chars are maximum optimized for all except fight, that’s why they are retarded in combat, but can do anything else, like travel alone, talk with NPCs, craft things. 200+ HP is rare here. They appearing at events to see something interesting and get beaten up, because they are not well-educated in slaughter. They write whiny posts.

- Noob, newbie, newcomer – fresh player, he just (five minutes ago, or two days ago if there were some problem with client) started an adventure; there are some subcategories here:
* Horny Fanboy – he creates senseless char with tagged Throwing, Speech and Gambling, because he wants to play as glib tongued gambler-cutthroater in New Reno; disappointment comes fast and brutal; he is too ambitious to ask for help or gun, so he ends game after three days and never comes back.
* Curious One in World – he tries to get around what is going on and where he is; he quickly learns to run from Cyrillic nicknames; he isn’t ashamed to ask for help and mostly he gets it; after some time he mutates in Gang Soldier or RPG, sometimes as Gang Dumbass.
* Fool, a.k.a. Troll – „card shows a man dancing on a nuclear warhead”; He got news about this game while reading news about Fallout 3; he never played the older Fallouts. He doesn’t know what is going on, but he doesn’t give a shit anyways. He uses tons of emoticons in chat, which mostly concerns your mother and her sexuality. Not dangerous, but annoying.
* Beggar – he doesn’t give a damn about crafting system, earning caps or role-playing, he just wants to get Gauss Rifle and Power Armor to pwn the whole Wasteland. He gets a bullet in a head from a PK, then he goes to NCR to beg for anything – he needs exactly anything, because he will lose it anyway in a while; he ends game after a week  if he doesn’t find a host.
All newcomers have by definition Respect On The Block Ratio equal to zero, depending on further way it will change up or down
- Bomber – after getting a dynamite stick from somewhere he goes into a group of players and sets timer for a short time. Sometimes he will shout something and boom, you’re dead! Avoiding this is simple- don’t stand in groups and walk away when a silent stranger in blue pajamas comes. Respect On The Block Ratio -30, after becoming a known bomber you become the perfect moving target for anyone having a bunch of unused bullets
- Gang Soldier – tough guy, walks into every town fully geared, he takes care of the good name of his gang. He isn’t afraid of losing equipment because while engaging in war he will kill or be killed; if he has free time he helps in getting some stuff or caps; he has one or two alts too shitty for combat but with necessary for warrior skills, but he doesn’t use them often. After accidentally killing a player he returns the equipment because he has better anyway; Respect On The Block Ratio +15
- Almost Like Gang Soldier, a.k.a. Gang Dumbass – soft pussy, with his seven alts he gets into a gang to get some good stuff and shows it off in NCR’s Bazaar. Challenged, he avoids combat because of lack of time, ammo, having a dinner or sick hamster. He loves alts, mostly his main char is sniper-assaulter with senselessly placed skill points, who gets beaten up by fast clicker with broken rifle/minigun and Fast Shot trait. Sometimes he gets a cruel critical hit for amazing amount of HP. If you are in a gang, this is the guy who took all your best equipment and lost it in the desert because of fire geckos or dogs. He never returns stuff to accidentally killed players, because he needs to provide supplies for his gang; Respect On The Block Ratio at the beginning +5, after you know him well -5
- Mechanic, Mr. Handy – he makes like hundred thousand chars one by one, each will be “yeah, I will play with this one”; Mechanic is difficult for common playing because he always talks about skills, statistics or he wants to do strange things to check new gun, script, NPC’s behavior or other shit – it is like taking a holiday to warm country and hearing all the way about aircraft fuel, counting the plane’s frame tensions or movement physics, or check what Jews will do after pissing on a the Wailing Wall. Underestimated, but necessary in beta-tests. Respect On The Block Ratio 0, because he just wanders around without purpose and has no more than 10 th level, among devs +20, people like Mechanic posts the most bugs, exploits and other things about game.
- PK, Player Killer – whatever he play, it is a shooter; no matter that it is 2D and isometric. He uses keyboard only to hotkey– Shift lets him to run for searching pixels to shoot at, F6 (option) lets him to check a name of shot pixel; more educated PK’s sometimes will say like “lol”, “n00b”, “pwned”, nothing to read actually. He wonders why he doesn’t get an “Impressive” or “Excellent” after shooting two pixels at once. Respect On The Block Ratio -20, sometimes dude will be shot down by some gang, but since armors are making long and painful, no one wants to sacrifice his precious items for one crazy Russian with rockets – he will run out of rocket some day or just go sleep;
- RPG, Role-Playing-Gamer – engaged with playing a role; he doesn’t write “lol” or ”xD”, but ”*laughs*”, he doesn’t shout “noob owned!!!111”, rather “*sigh * Come back when you’ll learn more skills.”; funny species, instead of exp on centaurs or aliens they stand around a trash bin or table and write some bullshit “for the atmosphere”. Some newcomers take them for NPC’s. Respect On The Block Ratio +5, sometimes they will give you a gun.
- Spartan – he appears on battlefield naked, optionally with a spear; Spartans despise technology, so with powerful magic of Science they disassemble every boom sticks and strange clothes they find; in RT combat they were moving targets because of their hatred of armor, in TB combat the ultimate power of Science is shown – because Spartan magic was a danger for server stability, it has been disabled; Respect On The Block Ratio depending on amount of items melted for raw materials
- Brasilians – ”puta, puta!”. Sometimes „”puta!”, rarely „”puta!”; they appear deep in night Central European Time; Respect On The Block Ratio unclassified, no one knows what they are doing here – maybe they missed it with Tibia.
- Russians – colorful like world after vodka, countless as the trees in Siberia; some of them uses civilized alphabet, but the most use barbarian marks that no one except them understands. in fact being a Russian is kind of disease, like a leper – regular players run away and don’t want to play together, gangs kill without single question, mates are retards, so choice is very limited. After defeating opposites with time zones in their country they show incredible discipline in fight, almost like German “Ordnung”; there is separated Russian server, there being non-Russian is having leprosy and plague; Respect On The Block Ratio depending on every player, but unfortunately set by default to -10, he needs to prove that is different.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2010, 01:24:04 am by Wichura »
Nie biegaj za stadem.

Re: Wasteland Subjective Dictionary
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2010, 01:10:13 am »

Damn i missed "brasilians"
Re: Wasteland Subjective Dictionary
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2010, 01:15:51 am »

Damn i missed "brasilians"

You also missed "stimpacs"
Re: Wasteland Subjective Dictionary
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2010, 01:21:21 am »

You also missed "stimpacs"
6000 words
Re: Wasteland Subjective Dictionary
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2010, 02:39:51 am »

Yeah, this Brazillians translation was awesome!

Except I'm a brazillian, and I don't even know what this is about. There are like 10 or less brazillians here and I'm pretty sure they play nice.
Russians are much more overpopulated and disgusting.

Haterz gonna hate, anyway.
Re: Wasteland Subjective Dictionary
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2010, 02:45:15 am »

Yeah, this Brazillians translation was awesome!

Except I'm a brazillian, and I don't even know what this is about. There are like 10 or less brazillians here and I'm pretty sure they play nice.
Russians are much more overpopulated and disgusting.

Haterz gonna hate, anyway.

It's not really hating, it's more just saying you guys are an enigma.
Re: Wasteland Subjective Dictionary
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2010, 03:37:47 am »

Yeah, this Brazillians translation was awesome!

Except I'm a brazillian, and I don't even know what this is about. There are like 10 or less brazillians here and I'm pretty sure they play nice.
Russians are much more overpopulated and disgusting.

Haterz gonna hate, anyway.

Haterz gonna hate, anyway.


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Re: Wasteland Subjective Dictionary
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2010, 05:16:21 am »

Short but simple: I had a few laughs, I liked it. :)


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Re: Wasteland Subjective Dictionary
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2010, 10:53:55 am »

It's not really hating, it's more just saying you guys are an enigma.
Why an enigma?


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Re: Wasteland Subjective Dictionary
« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2010, 11:01:30 am »

- GM, game master - Madman who spends his free time on keeping the game world going, running events and helping people with problems. As a reward he gets accused of promoting gang X over gang Y, also he is being constantly accused of abusing his superhuman powers  and being part of shadowy plots to steal from your tent.
- GM abuse - abusing GM powers, it’s every action that a GM performs in game besides standing in NCR and listening to beggars, frustrated players and geeks.

Clever ! =p Well done, I've read the whole thing and it's funny. =)
My Youtube channel.

"Another problem is that we listen to the vocal players, who in many cases are wrong-headed."
- J.E. Sawyer


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Re: Wasteland Subjective Dictionary
« Reply #10 on: April 11, 2010, 12:54:49 pm »

i enjoyed reading it nice work :>


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Re: Wasteland Subjective Dictionary
« Reply #11 on: April 12, 2010, 09:00:38 am »

I read it till the end, great!

Re: Wasteland Subjective Dictionary
« Reply #12 on: April 12, 2010, 12:08:48 pm »

yeah.      proud to be russian now))))
life goes on...


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Re: Wasteland Subjective Dictionary
« Reply #13 on: April 12, 2010, 07:34:46 pm »

You forgot the Hitchhiker subgroup, tho their king, blubber has deceased, he will forever remain in our hearts :(
HtH suggestions: Melee: +DR(PA)
Unarmed: +AC(active sneak should boost AC as they are "less visible")
General "class" idea pool in the form of new perks with high skillrequirements:
Re: Wasteland Subjective Dictionary
« Reply #14 on: April 12, 2010, 07:45:57 pm »

Blubtard is probably still in game, tho with other name because his name was taken by someone. Alvarez i suppose, but not sure.
I give a fuck.
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