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Author Topic: Amtech's PIMP MY RIDE  (Read 3711 times)

« on: August 27, 2012, 08:28:35 pm »

So, recently on, i found something funny and like to share it with you by translating it.

"Wazzup, here's PIMP MY RIDE, straight from the Wastes, with me, Z to the X, Ezxidit! Today, we visit Mike and his old bucket. Here we go...
-Hey wake up, foo, you got overdeed or something?
-Who's that?
-Look at me, it's Ezxidit, foo.
-Whoa, it's Ezxidit, yo man i'm yours, don't kill me, i'm just but a boy from the Den!
-Chill bro, nobody's gonna kill you just like that in the light o' the day, on TV. You're on PIMP MY RIDE and your car is gonna get pimped!
-HOLY SHIT. I'm on the friggin' TV, yea? FUCK YEAH, sup' guys, ma, i didn't fly yesterday with pals, i could've proved it but Max got killed' cause he snitched some Jet from some thug or something...
-Shut up, Mike, let's go down on the business, show me your ride, i hope you didn't killed it off completely.
-Of course, i live here in it!

-HAWHAWHA! What a piece o' shit, i feel shamed standing right next to it! But do not worry, Mike, you know we ain't do no crap, but best rides in Da Wastes.
-Awesome, Ezxidit i love you so much, i want to kiss you! I want to jump skyhigh! I'm so friggin happy! You're the best!
-One step closer and you're dead, stinky.

SO, in our shop, the best mechanic in Da whole Wastes, Smitty and his team will make a dream ride!

-WTF, Ezxidit, where did you dig THIS out?
-Sorry, Smitty, but this is one of the best-conserved cars in Da Wastes.
-I don't give a shit, Mordino is gonna pay everything to please his brat. Let's get it on.

A few hours later...

-Wassup, Smitty, how is work goin'?
-Not much yet, just some basic stuff: straighten the coach, dinged out the body, repaired the rear sit, installed a new engine.
-Right on, guys, what are you plannin'? What style will get Mike's ride? What engine do you have? Will you install windshield and lights, put new cables, this is all rare in Da Wastes, isn't it?
-We gonna build a gangsta car, Lil' Jesus Mordino wanted the most powerful engine we have, also he wanted a roof.

...In the late evening...

-This is what we got today.

-Now this look like something already.
-We extended the wheel track and put on a inch broader rims in the back. This is what you get for low budget, tomorrow we'll gonna make a real beast out of it: cooling system, new wind shield, turbocharger, microfusion booster and much more.

To be continued.
Re: Amtech's PIMP MY RIDE
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2012, 02:17:43 am »

Will I be able to drive while I drive?
Re: Amtech's PIMP MY RIDE
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2012, 02:23:35 am »

I knew I saw it somewhere.
Good work with translations. Need any help?

This kinda reminds me of four years which have passed
« Last Edit: August 28, 2012, 03:46:19 am by Wire »
The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.
irc V_guessWho
Re: Amtech's PIMP MY RIDE
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2012, 03:23:04 am »

 These pictures feel a bit empty, because they should include the characters of the story. I know that you just translated it so it's not your fault. Anyway I really like the concept and I'm just surprised that someone came up with such an idea to transform a wrecked car sprite into a nice one. It is inspiring, thanks for translating.
Re: Amtech's PIMP MY RIDE
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2012, 04:18:04 pm »

-On the next day...

-Hoho, i see you're moving in da right direction!
-Yes, but we got problems withe the old windshield, it does not fit, so we'll redesign the whole roof.
-What about the engine?
-It's actually done, we tuned it up to 1600 horsepower thanks to those damn accelerators, but i ain't no push them or you might get blown to smithereens.
-Watch out, guys, Jesus likes to ride fast, you don't want to be called his killers.

After lunch...

-Whoa Smitty, this ride looks HAWT.
-We gonna paint it later when Mordino wants it, how about a test drive Ezxidit?
-You sure that the car can handle a pedestrian?
-Of course, it's old armor plating on the bumper!
-I guess we should visit Mike, this will blow him away!

A few days later...
-Lil'Jesus wasn't amused and promised us to cut off and feed us our testicles if we fuck this up again. Well, he had a lot of "suggestions".
'Dis be us done scratchin' the rust away.

-After that, Lil'J wanted his car black with a touch of red, just like his favourite knife which he hugs even in his sleep since he was a little kid. He also liked Mike's lifeless body in his trunk and he will drive him around until he decomposes completely.

Congrats, Mike, you've been officially pimped.
Re: Amtech's PIMP MY RIDE
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2012, 12:39:37 am »

Wasteland, pimp my buggy.
Re: Amtech's PIMP MY RIDE
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2012, 12:41:21 am »

Someone needs to add that black car to the game
Re: Amtech's PIMP MY RIDE
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2012, 04:57:33 am »

Someone needs to add that black car to the game

Just paste that car into a bluebackground and replace with the car you want gone.
Re: Amtech's PIMP MY RIDE
« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2012, 06:51:26 pm »

Thanks to Wipe, we have now the second part of the show!

    - Wazzap! Ezxidit again! And we got another ride to pimp. It's Toxa's... car?
    Jee, Smithy, man what do you think about it? Can we even make something out of this piece of junk?
    - I don't even know, man. There's barerly anything left to even call it junk.
    - It's Corvega 6000 TURBO, it was da bomb, every fool wanted to get one.
    - It was but now.. Seriously?
    - Yes I am, we aren't here to weep, we here to make da best sweets out of shit, to make impossible happen, Smithy! Let's get this show on the road.
    - From where is your crew gonna start?
    - First, we gonna fix the body and hood. Back then they used thermonuclear engines on these babies, we don't have that luxury, that's why we gonna set up our own engine there, in the trunk. And ofcource we are going to make awersome fire exhaustion on the sides, to make sure car woun't get unnoticed in the wastes!
    - Smithy, no car gets to be unnoticed in the wasteland..
    - We gonna make this one special, man.
    ...After few hours...
    - We're still fixing body, welding, all that shit.
    - I can see it coming Smithy, keep it up, man.
    - Come back later, there's nothing to look at yet.
    - I see things going smoothly?
    - Yeah, crew is finishing with body, when they're done with that, it's gonna be the trunk. Dave says he's making some of his magick with it already to fit the engine in.
    ...After few hours...
    - Guys still trying to get rid of rust, but check out these headlights! And we got engine up and running.
    - Yo, man, that's some sick pipes
    - Yeah, you gonna see 13 feet flames from these babies.
    - Uhh, and what if there's someone behind it?
    - Well, at least you don't have to set up anything to cook something.
    ...After some time...
    - How's the things, Smithy?
    - Ti's allright. We've put the windshields back on, now checking all the systems again.
    - Keep it up, man.
    ...After a while...
    - Look at her shining in you face!
    - I can say you get the right impression on that one, I can barerly see anything now, are you gonna paint it?
    - Yeah, we gonna give it sweet paintjob, and it will be ready next morning.
    ...Next morning...
    - That's.. different. What colour is that?
    - It's BLUE man.
    - Never seen anything like this before Smithy, but I am sure that it's gonna get some attention out there. But still, what's the story with weird ass colour?
    - We didn't had enought pain to cover everything, so we covered what we could. I heard they painted racing or cops cars back then.
    - You did awesome job, Smithy. But will the car owner be impressed?
    Toxa: Ow man, I knew it got pipes in the back, I knew it! And look it it! LOOK AT IT! Fuckin' sick man! Front weels look funny, and the suspension looks unsaivory.. And I miss all the rust. But to hell with it!
« Last Edit: September 01, 2012, 06:53:56 pm by Horatio »


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Re: Amtech's PIMP MY RIDE
« Reply #9 on: September 01, 2012, 07:08:14 pm »

But remember that blue in FOnline is like pink in real life ;)
Re: Amtech's PIMP MY RIDE
« Reply #10 on: September 01, 2012, 07:51:15 pm »

Well, it is skyblue and not just blue, otherwise the second meaning of russian word "blue" would be applied. ;D
Saved in the last moment!

I like the performance of Amtech, appreciate the translating efforts of Wipe and hope we'll get to see more episodes of PIMP MY RIDE.

By the way. I saw in original thread that lisac2k was quite interested in the first car for using it in 2238. I wonder if he's still interested in it and already asked Amtech about it.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2012, 08:04:00 pm by Horatio »


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Re: Amtech's PIMP MY RIDE
« Reply #11 on: September 01, 2012, 08:50:06 pm »

Well, since he was interested in 2009 and that it's still not IG, I guess not. Sad, it looks real cool.
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