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Author Topic: how the perk Living Anatomy really works?  (Read 3484 times)


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Re: how the perk Living Anatomy really works?
« Reply #15 on: February 17, 2012, 03:46:36 pm »

How about new Living Anatomy:
You always heal all crippled limbs. More chance to cripple enemy limbs.

And make healing multiple crippled limbs harder, even for doctors.

I would also suggest to rework how FA fail/success is done, because right now
person with 6 luck and 1% FA fails less often than 300% fa doctor with 5 luck.
Which is a bit strange. Medicine isn't gambling, mkay? ;)
« Last Edit: February 17, 2012, 03:51:30 pm by JovankaB »
Re: how the perk Living Anatomy really works?
« Reply #16 on: February 17, 2012, 04:08:35 pm »

High luck increases successes, not low.

My statement was referring to a post by you in a different thread:

Post wipe Living Anatomy

as in low Luck builds receive a bigger boost. Obviously higher luck still means more successes compared to low luck. Sorry for the confusion.

As I remember conceiving the idea, taking LA would make it useful even if you didn't pump your FA way up and a useful little boost for dedicated medics.

Is the requirement for it so high that anyone with LA is automatically a super healer anyway?

Well, at this point it seems only useful, if you didn't pump FA way up (which it very well might be, that's nothing I could judge), since no dedicated medic would leave FA at 150.
Which is the requirement for Living Anatomy, so relatively high. Also it sits right between Blessed Are The Weak and Medic in terms of requirements, both fairly dedicated and potent medic powerhouses, so there's a bit of an implication that it may actually do anything for the people you mentioned that actually do want to play a medic. And that you call it a medic perk kind of reinforces that a bit.

Anyways, if the perk is more geared towards the not quite so dedicated medic or someone who just happens to have FA tagged for some other reason, I'm in no position to judge its' validiy anymore, however in that case the perk description is rather misleading.

I would also suggest to rework how FA fail/success is done, because right now
person with 6 luck and 1% FA fails less often than 300% fa doctor with 5 luck.
Which is a bit strange. Medicine isn't gambling, mkay?
I also agree with this. Although bias may be involved.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2012, 05:06:24 pm by Malice Song »


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Re: how the perk Living Anatomy really works?
« Reply #17 on: February 17, 2012, 05:04:13 pm »

My statement was referring to a post by you in a different thread:

Post wipe Living Anatomy

It (LA) gets more of a boost because it takes crit success chance from 0.5% -> 5.5% (low luck) rather than 5%->10% (high luck). So *11 instead of *2. Higher luck still gets more crit successes.

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Re: how the perk Living Anatomy really works?
« Reply #18 on: February 17, 2012, 05:07:39 pm »

It (LA) gets more of a boost because it takes crit success chance from 0.5% -> 5.5% (low luck) rather than 5%->10% (high luck). So *11 instead of *2. Higher luck still gets more crit successes.

So it's basically like this with every FA?:

1-5% = roll luck if there is crit success or fail
6-10% = crit success if you have LA otherwise it's normal FA
11-100% = normal FA


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Re: how the perk Living Anatomy really works?
« Reply #19 on: February 17, 2012, 05:21:19 pm »

Well, roughly:

With LA
Values are Luck 1 - Luck 10
5-10% chance of crit success
5-0.5% chance of failure
Rest is normal

0.5 - 5% chance of crit success
5 - 0.5 chance of crit failure
Rest is normal
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Re: how the perk Living Anatomy really works?
« Reply #20 on: February 17, 2012, 07:04:39 pm »

Well, roughly:

With LA
Values are Luck 1 - Luck 10
5-10% chance of crit success
5-0.5% chance of failure
Rest is normal

0.5 - 5% chance of crit success
5 - 0.5 chance of crit failure
Rest is normal

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Doctor Eex

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Re: how the perk Living Anatomy really works?
« Reply #21 on: March 05, 2012, 08:10:38 pm »

I don't get why +5 damage was nerfed so bad.

Playing 2 14mm pistols in TB was fun, however 3 burst p90 or 2 burst lsw builds was more effective anyway. Was not any imbalance.

Now - another worthless perk.


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Re: how the perk Living Anatomy really works?
« Reply #22 on: March 05, 2012, 08:27:10 pm »

It was reduced because a similar effect was created (fast shot?), essentially giving you LA effect for free on the trait it was actually useful for.

Then LA gives you that little boost to it, but I wanted the major effect to be the healing.

Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
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Re: how the perk Living Anatomy really works?
« Reply #23 on: March 05, 2012, 09:50:32 pm »

Now - another worthless perk.

Still not worth to take , i've been thinking about some medic builds while ago , but for me two involve living anatomy in build such a waste.
Re: how the perk Living Anatomy really works?
« Reply #24 on: March 05, 2012, 11:17:02 pm »

I planed to make a suggestion anyway, so i'll do it just right here:

I thought of some sort of coherence between your FA skill, the healed amount and the CD you get for it.

Example: You have 300 FA. Target is wounded for 150 hp. Actually you would get a CD of 60 secs. But as 150 hp arnt demanging the full potential of your FA skill, it would divide the amount healed by your skill: 150/300=0,5. so the cd would be set to 0,5 of the regular time: 60 secs * 0,5 = 30 secs.

You could tie it to living anatomy to make it more attractive (though i would like it to work that way)

Doctor Eex

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Re: how the perk Living Anatomy really works?
« Reply #25 on: March 06, 2012, 12:46:15 pm »

Strange logic, indeed. Fast shot is about how many shots you can make. Up to 7 per round using 14mm pistol.
By taking LA you had to make sacrifice (no Lifegiver for example) to get +35 per round damage. Not every round, because you had to use 2x14mm pistols (6 ammo clip) and reload them. Any other weapon had no significant bonus from LA anyway.
Now it's 14 damage per round. worthless even for extreme  TB 14mm build.

Other servers actually boost LA (TLA MK2 - LA multiplies with crits; Requiem - increased +5 to greater and random values)
And you nerf almost useless except very narrow build LA damage bonus. Very strange in my opinion. Think about it.


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Re: how the perk Living Anatomy really works?
« Reply #26 on: March 06, 2012, 01:12:17 pm »

Not strange at all really. The only time LA was worth taking was coupled with Fast Shot, all that happened is the +5 went directly onto Fast Shot and the +2 was left on LA as a little bonus.

The point of LA is for healers primarily. I think the change I agreed to (to stop Jovanka bugging me about it :P) was critical healing taking you up to max HP and not to your FA skill. We shall see how that goes.
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.


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Re: how the perk Living Anatomy really works?
« Reply #27 on: March 19, 2012, 09:32:28 pm »

"Then LA gives you that little boost to it, but I wanted the major effect to be the healing."

By what reasoning?  It's like you keep avoiding that question. (unless I missed something)
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.
Re: how the perk Living Anatomy really works?
« Reply #28 on: March 20, 2012, 05:42:33 pm »

Living Anatomy was useful in one case prewipe (1 ap rock punch in tb) and now that the damage got nerfed has no purpose at all. The dmg is a floating amount added after armour is calculated if the perk functions in the same way making it meaningless since only base damage gets multiplied by crits, +5 seemed like a lot but was way less damage than +2 from brd. There is literally no build possible where living anatomy is a good choice compared to other perks, even in a pure medic build it is useless.
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